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[platform-dev] Build issue: ApiAnalyzer cannot find imported extension point element


My build for org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor fails (

12:48:22 * Marker [on: /org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor/plugin.xml, id: 295, type: org.eclipse.pde.core.problem, attributes: [categoryId: fatal, compilerKey: compilers.p.unknown-element, lineNumber: 1384, message: Element 'with' is not legal as a child of element 'enabledWhen'., problemId: 12289, severity: 2, xmlTree.locationPath: (0)plugin>(16)extension>(0)codeMiningProvider>(0)enabledWhen>(0)with], created: 8/17/19 10:48 AM]

It complains about the <with> in the following part of plugin.xml
class="org.eclipse.ui.internal.texteditor.codemining.annotation.AnnotationCodeMiningProvider" id="org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.annotationCodeMiningProvider">

* The exact same snippet worked when I had it in org.eclipse.ui.genericeditor.
* The content is also picked up at runtime (i.e. it works).
* The issue is not present in the IDE.

The snipped adheres to the schema in the same plugin (schema/codeMiningProviders.exsd). This schema defines the structure up to <enabledWhen> and refers the remaining part to an included schema: <include schemaLocation="schema://org.eclipse.core.expressions/schema/expressionLanguage.exsd"/>

Our plug-in has a dependency on org.eclipse.core.expressions.

ApiAnalyzer seems not to be used that widely, I couldn't find any hints on the web.

Any idea how to solve this issue?

Thanks, Niko

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