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Re: [platform-dev] SWT naive question: why "checkWidget()" everywhere?

It's not just native code. Almost all of SWT is written with an asumption of single-threaded access.

To make a a widget field freely accessible from another thread ("thread-safe"), it's necessary to synchronize ALL accesses to that field. There are 38 references to blockSelection in StyledText code.

For a single boolean flag, you could get away with making it volatile. But for more complex data types (starting with integers), and for more than one thread-safe field, you'd need actual locks. Moreover, the locks would likely have to cover whole method bodies, because proving the correctness of more granular locking isn't easy. Then, all variables accessed in those synchronized methods would have to become synchronized in other methods too. The cost of built-in thread safety escalates quickly. That's why SWT is single-threaded.

Re: checkWidget. Without it, it would be easy to write incorrect multi-threaded code that works most of the time. It's blockind the dangerous path of least resistance.

On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 4:58 PM Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm currently working on the topic of moving work out of UI Thread, using JDT as main target (bug 538656).
In my investigations, I've hit the case of calling `StyledText.getBlockSelection()` sending a InvalidThreadAccess because first line of the method is `checkWidget()`.
However, this method is mostly a boolean accessor, the state of block selection or not is purely inside the Java logic, no JNI. Invoking this method from a thread is definitely a harmless operation
So I'm wondering: why is SWT putting so much `checkWidget()` even on simple accessors? Is this something we could get rid of?

Thanks in advance for your insights.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, for Red Hat Developers
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