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Re: [platform-dev] How to create a polyglot debugger

Hi Lars,

Thank you for the pointers, I will take a further look at LSP4E and will contact the developers.

If anyone has any other advice or experience on how to multiple debuggers can be used at once, please feel free to answer me.


Le 03/05/2019 à 18:03, Lars Vogel a écrit :
Hi Emmanuel,

I think the best way of a new language integration today is via the language server protocol. AFAIK they also have a protocol defined for debugging. 

I suggest you check and ask again on their mailing list.

Best regards, Lars

Emmanuel Chebbi <emmanuel.chebbi@xxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am Fr., 3. Mai 2019, 17:06:

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding Eclipse's debug platform. I don't know if this mailing list is the right place to ask for help, so please tell if there's a better way.

I am working on the integration of a custom language within Eclipse IDE. I have an interpreter written in Java and now I would like to implement a dedicated debugger.

I already managed to implement a debug configuration bounded to my interpreter and which provides a step-by-step execution.

The issue is that my language is able to execute "scripts" written in other languages (such as Java or Python) and I don't know how to allow the user to debug them. Ideally, I would like to rely on existing debuggers such as the ones providing by JDT, CDT or PyDev. Concretely, I'd like the user to  be able to:

  1. Create a script in Java/Python/whatever
  2. Add a breakpoint within the file
  3. Create a program with my language that uses the script
  4. Launch the program in debug mode
  5. My custom interpreter starts the execution of the program
  6. Wait for the breakpoint to be handled by the debugger provided by JDT/PyDev/whatever
  7. Benefit from the Debug perspective to check stacktrace, variables, etc.

For completeness about the way scripts are currently executed:

  • Each script is wrapped as a Java object:
    • for _javascript_s I just load the class from the classpath
    • for Python scripts the Java object uses Py4J to execute the script

I thought about several solutions:

  • relying on JDT/CDT/whatever to launch the script, but that would be a bit cumbersome and sharing data between the Java interpreter and the script would be hard
  • creating kind of a CompositeDebugTarget that would somehow delegate events to available debuggers so that they can handle them but I'm not sure whether it's actually practical

I took a look at the Scala IDE and GDT's source code to check how they provide a debugger but it seems that they rely on the generic JavaLaunchDelegate (from JDT), which does not solve my problem.

This message is a bit dense, so thanks to everyone who took the time to read it!

Does anyone have an idea on how I could benefit from existing debuggers? Is that even possible?


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