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Re: [platform-dev] Erors compiling eclipse for solaris in x86


This bug may be of use to you. It documents some of the steps people have used when compiling the solaris.gtk.x86 port from source.  We don't have the hardware or resources here to construct it, so we rely on people in the community to build it.

It would be useful to update the bug with the issues you are having.  Please specify the build id of the source build that you downloaded to compile this drop. For instance, are you trying to run it with 3.2.2 or the latest integration build, I20070501-0010?


I don't know. We only provide

"Raul Ortega" <darth.debian@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/30/2007 01:42 PM

Please respond to
"Eclipse platform general developers list."        <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[platform-dev] Erors compiling eclipse for solaris in x86

Hi!! Greetings for all from Chile!!

I'm new in eclipse and solaris. I'work perfectly in linux, but when i try to compile eclipse in solaris for x86 I receive this errors:

   [javac] 1. ERROR in /export/home/ramoran/Desktop/eclipse_source/plugins/ (at line 24)
   [javac]     public class FeatureWriter extends XMLWriter implements IPDEBuildConstants {
   [javac]                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] The return type is incompatible with Writer.append(CharSequence, int, int), PrintWriter.append(CharSequence, int, int)
   [javac] ----------
   [javac] 2. ERROR in /export/home/ramoran/Desktop/eclipse_source/plugins/ (at line 24)
   [javac]     public class FeatureWriter extends XMLWriter implements IPDEBuildConstants {
   [javac]                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] The return type is incompatible with Writer.append(char), PrintWriter.append (char)
   [javac] ----------
   [javac] 3. ERROR in /export/home/ramoran/Desktop/eclipse_source/plugins/ (at line 24)
   [javac]     public class FeatureWriter extends XMLWriter implements IPDEBuildConstants {
   [javac]                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] The return type is incompatible with Writer.append(CharSequence), PrintWriter.append(CharSequence)
   [javac] ----------
   [javac] ----------
   [javac] 4. WARNING in /export/home/ramoran/Desktop/eclipse_source/plugins/ (at line 23)
   [javac]     import org.eclipse.update.internal.core.FeatureExecutableFactory;
   [javac]            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   [javac] Discouraged access: The type FeatureExecutableFactory is not accessible due to restriction on classpath entry /export/home/ramoran/Desktop/eclipse_source/plugins/org.eclipse.update.core/@dot
   [javac] ----------
   [javac] 5. WARNING in /export/home/ramoran/Desktop/eclipse_source/plugins/ (at line 415)
   [javac]     FeatureExecutableFactory factory = new FeatureExecutableFactory();
   [javac]     ^^^^^ ....

and can't finish the build. Please help me, because I' needed for a home work in my university( Thanks!!

PD: If this mail list is not for my problem, please tell me  where I can find information. Thanks!!
PD2: other errors has ven soved using :
find . -type f -name '*.xml' -exec \
                       sed -r \
                       -e "s/(\"compilerArg\" value=\")/\1-nowarn /g" \
                       -e "s/(-encoding ISO-8859-1)/\1 -nowarn/g" \
                       -e "s:(<property name=\"javacSource\" value=)\".*\":\1\"1.5\":" \
                       -e "s:(<property name=\"javacTarget\" value=)\".*\":\1\"1.5\":" \
                       -i {} \;


Raúl Antonio Ortega Morán

Usuario Linux #447070
platform-dev mailing list

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