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[platform-dev] Using the WAS_50_PLUGINDIR variable from Websphere Application Developer in Eclipse

Hi there


Any help regarding this issue would be great.


I have been using Eclipse for quite some time now, and have moved to a company that is using Websphere Application Developer 5.1. (WASD5)


I would like to import a WASD5 project into Eclipse making use of the .project and .classpath entries. Everything works fine, except that the ‘WAS_50_PLUGINDIR’ variable that comes from WASD doesn’t get resolved in Eclipse correctly. When it comes into Eclipse it appears to have an extra directory attached to the variable path… which therefore makes the variable invalid.


For example in the .classpath file for the WASD project I have the following variable set:

WAS_50_PLUGINDIR = C:/Program Files/IBM/WebSphere Studio/Application Developer/v5.1.1/runtimes/base_v5_stub/


Then when I open the project in Eclipse the same variable appears to have changed to

WAS_50_PLUGINDIR = C:/Program Files/IBM/WebSphere Studio/Application Developer/v5.1.1/runtimes/base_v5_stub/lib


I can’t understand why the ‘lib’ directory is being added to the end of the path when I import the project into Eclipse. Due to this, all projects that I add to Eclipse have the same problem.


If I manually go in and reassign the variable path then it seems to eventually sort itself out. I have to say that it doesn’t appear to be a hard and fast fix, as I sometimes really battle to sort this problem out.


The problem I have with manually editing this file, is that when someone else tries to use WASD again with this newly modified classpath, the variable path has been reassigned to the value I set in Eclipse. So it now doesn’t work in WASD. As I’m the only one using Eclipse at the moment everyone else will freak if I start manually changing all the classpath entries.


Does anyone have any idea why thisWAS_50_PLUGINDIRvariable gets reset?


Is there anyway I can set this up once in Eclipse, so that will work across multiple projects?


Is this possible, or do Eclipse and WASD handle this variable totally differently?


Many thanks in advance




Giles Parnell
7irene Limited
Telephone : +44 (0) 208 2961946
Facsimile : +44 (0) 20 8334 8100
Enterprise Architects for J2EE and .NET


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