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[platform-dev] I need to load an external jar file for my plugin.


I am developing a plugin for eclipse. My plugin uses  external jar files
(Digester component from Jakarta project, and other jars).

I configured the proprities of my project and added all the jar files I need
in the java build path. But, when I run the program as runtime-workbench I got the following error :

Unhandled exception caught in event loop.


And from log file :

        !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 mai 04, 2004 17:33:55.637
        !MESSAGE org/apache/commons/digester/Digester
        !STACK 0
        java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/digester/Digester

I tried different ideas but I could not find a solution for this problem. I
think I have to force eclipse to load the jar files on startup. Rigth now, I
don't know how to do that (if it is through the manifest file, or Impelment
my class loader ...).

Could you please help me  to find a solution.
Best Regards

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