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RE: [platform-dev] Using output file:linenumber: links?

> log4j.appender.myConsole.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p - %m - %l%n
>    something.something(<end of line>

This doesn't work alone. What exactly are the requirements so that a real 
hyperlink is created? I got it working with log4j, but now that I am 
trying my own code (at the end of this message), I just can't get it to 

I had to add my source path to the Run

public void log( int level, String msg )
	if( level < log_level )
	Throwable t = new Throwable();
	StackTraceElement[] stackElements = t.getStackTrace();
	if( stackElements.length > 2 )
		// class.method(file:line)
		StackTraceElement ste = stackElements[2];
			+ " - " + ste.getClassName()
			+ "." + ste.getMethodName()
			+ "(" + ste.getFileName()
			+ ":" + ste.getLineNumber()
			+ ")"


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