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Re: [platform-dev] Weird crash in Eclipse


Please see bug 40947:

The workaround is to delete the registry cache file.


"Alexandr Molochnikov" <alex@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

14/08/2003 01:53 PM
Please respond to platform-dev

        To:        <platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject:        [platform-dev] Weird crash in Eclipse

I am baffled by the crash that keeps happening regularly on my Red Hat Linux 9 machine. The Preferences window becomes empty, and Search brings up an alert panel: "No Search Extensions plugged into workbench..."
The workspace/.metadata/.log file shows the following exception:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Source Locator does not exist:org.eclipse.jdt.degug.ui.javaSourceLocator
and then a number of these exceptions:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: No tab group defined for launch configuration type org.eclipse.jdt.launching.localJavaApplication
I rename the workspace to force Eclipse to create a new one, and after a while the new workspace became corrupted again... and again...
I cannot recall doing anything special other than editing files, compiling and running apps etc. Nothing like this ever happened on Eclipse 2.0.2 running under Windows XP, but Eclipse 2.1.1 under Linux gives me nothing but headache.
Did anyone experience something like this? Is there any way to recover from the crash short of doing a new install? Most importantly, is there something that could help me diagnose the problem?
I will appreciate any clues.
Alex Molochnikov
Gestalt Corporation

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