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[platform-dev] Eclipse - Error Message

Title: Message
First of all, I would like to apologize in case I am not sending this e-mail to the correct list.
I am using version 2.1 of Eclipse to do some J2EE development.
I am complementing the use of Eclipse with version 2.1 (patch 02) of the Lomboz plugin.
It's been 3 times now that during the compilation phase I get an "Out of Memory" error from Eclipse, asking me permission to shutdown, which it does graciously, without me ever losing any code. Nevertheless, it is annoying and seems to be a platform error (?). I have noticed that under IBM's WSAD there is a garbagge collection button which allows you to forcefully GC you memory. Since this facility does not exist in Eclipse, I thought this was automatically taken care of.
Can any one tell me if this is indeed an error and wether there is a fix?
I am running Eclipse on a Windows XP Pro machine with 256 MB of memory, using JRE 1.4.
Pedro Rolo
pedro DOT rolo AT sibs DOT pt


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