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Re: [platform-debug-dev] Use of org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.*provisional as API

> is it ok to use packages 
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional and 
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.provisional as API?  From what
> I have seen during the last releases these packages have become 
> stable, and JDT debugging uses them already.  Or are there plans to 
> refactor them into usual API packages?

The long term plan is to refactor the provisional packages into API (but 
no one is working on this currently). So, it is OK to use them if you 
**understand and accept the risk**: "internal.provisional" packages could 
be changed/removed in any subsequent release. The classes have been stable 
for several releases and there are currently no plans to change them in 

> Additionally I noticed that JDT uses internal classes like 
> org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.model.elements.ElementContentProvider,
> VariableContentProvider … in its implementation.  Is it planned to 
> make these classes API as well? 

These are internal packages - not even provisional. So the risk of using 
these packages is greater. There is useful function provided in some of 
these types that should probably made API when the provisional APIs are 
made public. Again, no one is actively working on this.

Darin Wright

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