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[platform-debug-dev] Debug Work Items for 2.1 and Beyond

Is there any update on which of the possible work items are going into 2.1?



----- Forwarded by Erin Harris/Toronto/IBM on 08/12/2002 04:18 PM -----

                      "Darin Wright"                                                                                                    
                      <Darin_Wright@xxxxxxx>           To:       platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, jdt-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx              
                      Sent by:                         cc:                                                                              
                      platform-debug-dev-admin@        Subject:  [platform-debug-dev] Debug Work Items for 2.1 and Beyond               
                      07/17/2002 09:04 AM                                                                                               
                      Please respond to                                                                                                 

The Debug Team is planning its work items/feature set for the 2.1 and
future releases of Eclipse. Attached is an HTML document with a list of
potential work items. We encourage interested parties to add any features,
requirements, or issues that they feel are important, or which could be
investigated. Note that items on the list are not committed to any
particular release of Eclipse (and may not even be technically possible).
Once we have a complete list, we can vote on the priority of the work
items, to determine what will actually go into 2.1.

The document is also availabe in the "" CVS repository, in
the "jdt-debug-home" project. Committers can add to the document, and post
to the debug mailing lists. Non committers please post to the debug mailing



**** Attachment DebugDirections2.1.htm has been removed from this note on
12 August 2002 by Erin Harris ****

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