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Re: [platform-debug-dev] Adding tabs to launch configuration dialog?

We do not intend to make the "Java" tabs API in 2.0.


Sent by: platform-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/07/2002 11:56 AM
Please respond to platform-debug-dev

        To:        platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-debug-dev] Adding tabs to launch configuration dialog?


The extension point for tabs has been removed in recent builds.  The correct way to contribute UI to the launch configuration dialog is to use the tab group extension point.  

If you are collecting attributes that need to be applied to the launch of the VM, then you will need to create your own launch configuration type.  The existing launch configuration types have no knowledge of any attributes that you might put on you tab.  

At the moment, the 'standard' tabs such as JavaMain & JavaArguments live in internal packages and have not been made API because they are still fairly young.  This means that they should not be used by clients.  However, the Debug Team realizes that being able to re-use these is an important feature for people such as yourself looking to add a little bit of functionality without having to re-create a bunch of UI.  

So if the standard tabs were available for re-use, you would create your own tab group that specified the standard tabs plus your custom tabs, and your own configuration type that handled attributes from the standard tabs plus your custom attributes.  

Perhaps Darin W. could comment on if and when the standard tabs will be made available.


"Setera, Craig" <Craig.Setera@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/07/2002 10:46 AM
Please respond to platform-debug-dev

       To:        "'platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
       Subject:        [platform-debug-dev] Adding tabs to launch configuration dialog?

I'm interested in playing with the JVMPI/HPROF support in profiling JDK
applications.  I have some code I wrote a while back that used a Swing
interface for this that I never finished.  Looking at Eclipse, I believe it
would be the perfect model for hosting my simplistic profiling information
(and potentially adding more).  To do this "right" I believe I need to add a
new tab to the standard local java launch config dialog that allows the user
to set profiling preferences for the configuration.  I've tried my hardest
to get a new tab on that dialog, but according to the code I've seen, it
seems the tabs are hardcoded for that dialog.  Is there a way to do this?
I'm confused about what is deprecated versus allowed and none of this is
documented yet.  I see a launch config tabs extension point and a launch
config tab groups extension point.  I'm trying to use the former without any
luck.  It seems like creating a different launch configuration type is
rebuilding the world, since I need all of the "standard" java launch config
stuff as well.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible and what the "correct" way to do it
would be?


Craig Setera
Sun Certified Java Programmer/Developer/Web Component Developer
Senior Software Architect, Kingland Systems Corporation

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