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Re: [platform-debug-dev] Perspective switching when using private launch configurations

Hmmm.  I think this may be a holdover from the days when setting the private attribute was the only way to prevent a perspective switch.  Now, you can set the 'switch to perspective' attributes on the launch configuration to NONE.  

I created "Allow private launch configs to perspective switch"  You might want to add your specific use case for this to the Bugzilla report so it's obvious there is a real need for this.


Sent by: platform-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/03/2002 04:44 PM
Please respond to platform-debug-dev

        To:        platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-debug-dev] Perspective switching when using private launch configurations

Hi Joe,

When I talk about the checked preference, I'm referring to the
Preferences->Debug->"Show debug perspective when program is launched in
Debug Mode".  This preference appears to be replaced by the perspective
switching choice on the launch configuration Common tab, but I thought I'd
mention it in case it is still used somewhere.

The reason I'm referring to "private" is the following code, taken from

     * Switch to the perspective specified by the
     * launch configuration.
     * @see ILaunchListener#launchAdded(ILaunch)
    public void launchAdded(ILaunch launch) {
         String perspectiveId = null;
         // check event filters
         if (!isPrivate(launch)) {
              try {
                   perspectiveId = getPerspectiveId(launch);
              } catch (CoreException e) {
                   String name = DebugUIPlugin.getDefault
                   switchFailed(e, name);
              if (perspectiveId != null) {

So even if I set the run perspective, it will be ignored because it is


----- Forwarded by Kristen Desarmo/Toronto/IBM on 05/03/2002 05:32 PM -----

When you say you have 'the preference checked', what do you mean?  The only
way a config causes a perspective switch when it is launched is if you have
set the appropriate attribute (for example
IDebugUIConstants.ATTR_TARGET_RUN_PERSPECTIVE) with the desired perspective

So for example:

// Create config
ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy config = .......

// Set config to switch to debug perspective in Run mode

Thus, I don't think this has anything to do with the config being private.

Regarding relaunching private configs: they do not show up in the history
or in the dialog, but it is perfectly valid to relaunch them
programtically.  Thus it's probably better to say that a private config
cannot be relaunched by the user.


 Sent by:                        To:                                    
 platform-debug-dev-admi platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                  
 n@xxxxxxxxxxx                   cc:                                    
                                 Subject:        [platform-debug-dev]    
                         Perspective switching when using private launch
 05/03/2002 03:21 PM     configurations                                  
 Please respond to                                                      

One of our scenarios is the following:  we have a daemon listening for
debug engine connections. When a connection is received, we create a
private launch configuration for it and launch it.  We would then expect to
switch to the debug view (we have the preference checked).
launchAdded(ILaunch) is called, but since the configuration is private, it
does not attempt to open the perspective.  (Note that even if I remove the
private attribute, it still will not switch because the perspective ID is
not set - since we did not use the dialog, the "Common" attributes were not

My understanding of private was that it was not relaunchable, so it
wouldn't be shown in the dialog or the launch history which is what I am
looking for.  Why does "private" also affect the perspective switching and
can it be changed?


Kristen Desarmo
IBM Distributed Debugger

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