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Re: [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in ILaunchConfigurationTab

Yes, it was meant for the newsgroup.

Darin Wright

04/26/2002 12:42 PM

        To:        Joe Szurszewski/MIN/OTI@OTI
        Subject:        Re: [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in ILaunchConfigurationTab

was this for me or Weisz?


----- Forwarded by Darin Wright/WPG/OTI on 04/26/2002 12:42 PM -----
Joe Szurszewski

04/26/2002 12:23 PM

        To:        Darin Wright/WPG/OTI@OTI
        Subject:        Re: [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in ILaunchConfigurationTabLink

When you click New, you are creating a new working copy, setting default values, and then saving this working copy.  In the course of saving the working copy, performApply() is called.  Is this somehow causing you a problem?

When you say you get an error dialog clicking New, do you mean a new dialog separate from the Launch Configuration Dialog, or do you mean that an error message appears at the top of the Launch Configuration Dialog?  It is very possible to create a New configuration in circumstances in which there is not enough information to fill in all required attributes, resulting in the Launch Configuration Dialog showing you an error message that one or more attributes are missing.  This is the expected behavior.


Darin Wright

04/26/2002 12:14 PM

        To:        Joe Szurszewski/MIN/OTI@OTI
        Subject:        Re: [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in ILaunchConfigurationTab


Can you comment on these lifecycle calls. Not sure that we need to change anything, or if this is a required part of the implementation.


----- Forwarded by Darin Wright/WPG/OTI on 04/26/2002 12:10 PM -----
Sent by: platform-debug-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/26/2002 12:04 PM
Please respond to platform-debug-dev

        To:        platform-debug-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in ILaunchConfigurationTab

Thanks, the defect clarifies the performApply() called twice on clicking
Apply button.

I still don't know why I get a performApply() on clicking New.  (unless it
is the same problem after all?)

I am using isValid() just to make sure that there is something entered in
the fields, and was
planning on using performApply() to check validity of the contents of all
fields in one shot, at the
time Apply button is pressed, and if something is not right then to popup
an error dialog with specific explanation.

Now when I click New, I get the error dialog since most fields are not
filled with valid data.


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                                Subject:     Re: [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in            
                   04/26/02 12:37 PM                                                                                  
                   Please respond to                                                                                  

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                             [platform-debug-dev] performApply() in      
  04/26/02 08:52 AM          ILaunchConfigurationTab                    
  Please respond to                                                      

I implemented a tab for the launch configurations and added it to the tab
group together with the Common tab,
and I seem to get the performApply() invoked three times:
first time as soon as the tab is created, i.e. when I click on New, then
when I click on Apply I get it
again, but instead of once,  I get it twice.

I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what ...
Any suggestions appreciated.


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