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RE: [platform-core-dev] Re: Large-scale issues summary

I guess the document doesn't make it clear, but this was really an exercise in looking at the "large-scale development" theme from the platform perspective (i.e., not JDT or PDE).  Many of the very large scale development issues are also found in C/C++ development tools, so we are looking for platform improvements that all varieties of Eclipse-based IDEs can gain from. I am aware that a large amount of the memory usage in the Eclipse Java IDE comes from JDT plug-ins, and I am sure the JDT teams are looking at that.  If there are facilities the platform can provide to help the JDT components reduce their memory footprints (such as sharing of Strings), we will also look into that.  If you haven't already done so, I suggest sending your profiling results to the JDT team, either through a bug report or on a JDT mailing list.

"Ed Burnette" <Ed.Burnette@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-core-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/12/2004 12:36 AM

Please respond to

RE: [platform-core-dev] Re: Large-scale issues summary

These look good but I do have one observation about memory footprint. I've run Eclipse through the YourKit profiler a number of times to try and understand what's slowing it down, expecially when you come back to a minimized (and paged out) instance under Windows. Most of the slowness could be traced to the IDE's memory footprint, which is typically between 200-300M for me (I had to use -Xmx256m or higher with JDK1.4.2 to avoid excessive GC or out of memory errors).

I loaded a workspace which, among other things, had most of the SDK plug-ins binary-imported and looked at where the memory was going with the profiler. Most of the memory was used by JDT, not by the platform. For example in one test, platform-core and platform-ui accounted for roughly 50M of heap allocations and JDT accounted for almost all the rest (150M+). Most of the JDT memory was for Java Model objects (JavaElements and whatnot being stored in some kind of cache).

I did these tests on Windows with Sun JDK1.4.2_something and Eclipse 3.0 so things may have improved  since then, but I still think that trying to address the IDE's memory footprint by working hard to reduce platform-core's memory will have only a limited effect if platform-core is nowhere near the biggest memory user.

BTW, you mention string interning; the tool didn't provide good support for investigating this but from what I could tell the only area that had significant problems with duplicate strings was in the ui.commands area (key definition names, etc.). I believe this is being significantly redone in 3.1 anyway.
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