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[platform-core-dev] org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path issue with colons

I've been using CDT on an existing code base, and have discovered that it
seems to have issues with colons in filenames. I filed a bug with regard to this
against CDT here:

I have since traced the issue down to issues in org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path.

It seems that there are significant 'Windowisms' in org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path which render the characters ':' and '\\' both invalid characters in Path Segments (and thus filenames). Both characters are perfectly legal characters in Path Segments (and filenames) under Unix/Linux (where I'm working). The result is that I simply
can't create projects.

I'm going to try to make changes (and submit a patch) to fix these problems.
What I would like to do is see to it that whatever behavior the original author was seeking under Windows still occurs, but that users on Unix/Linux systems
are not unnecessarily hamstrung.

In relation to this effort I have a few questions:
1)   What is the correct way to detect differences in the platform being run
on so that I can intelligently apply or not apply this behavior appropriately?
2)   Can anyone give me any guidance on what the original author of
this code was trying to acheive? Some quick research indicated that the
     quirks in legal filenames under Windows are much more numerous than
having ':' and '\\' be illegal characters for Path Segments, so I'm confused as to why non-Windows systems were broken here for an incomplete solution.


P.S. Specifically these are the places where there seem to be issues:

1) Path.isValidSegment() returns false if it finds '/','\\'. or ':' in a segment. This causes valid patch segments on Unix/Linux containing ':' or '\\' to be rejected. 2) Path.initialize() splits on ':' and effectively discards all characters leading the colon (rolling them into the device attribute). As a result a filename like
     foo:bar.c would become resource bar.c... not the correct behavior.
3) Path.append() similarly seems to treat ':' (in the form of IPath.DEVICE_SEPARATOR) as a path seperator, which could cause all no end of mischeif in the many, many
     other methods calling Path.append()

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