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  • Re: [platform-ant-dev] FastPartitioner, (continued)
  • [platform-ant-dev] AntHelper example and capturing output, Kevin James
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant M4 test plan, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] RE: Welcome to the "platform-ant-dev" mailing list, stefano santagada
  • [platform-ant-dev] Vote for new committer, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Export ant buildfile [was 3.1 M4 Plan], Richard Hoefter
  • [platform-ant-dev] remove me from mailing list, Manda Sairam
  • [platform-ant-dev] Re: Input Task does not work even with patch and correct settings, Thorsten Kitz
  • [platform-ant-dev] Input Task does not work even with patch and correct settings, Thorsten Kitz
  • [platform-ant-dev] 3.1 M4 Plan, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] 3.0.1 patch, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] M3 test plan, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] HEAD requirements, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] First cut of Ant M3 Plan, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Migrating to Eclipse 3.x How to handle change of "Ant Run...", Devon Tuck
  • [platform-ant-dev] Major code churn in Ant UI, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Plugin dependency change, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] build fails with ant, shankarr
  • [platform-ant-dev] Milestone 2, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Peter Alexander ist außer Haus., Peter . Alexander
  • [platform-ant-dev] Initially folded regions, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant 3.1 plan, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant <Input> tag, Pieter-Jan_BOONE
  • [platform-ant-dev] Move to Ant 1.6.2, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant missing in eclipse 3.0 release?, Stanley Chang
  • [platform-ant-dev] RC3 Test Pass, Darin Wright
  • [platform-ant-dev] Debug & Ant RC2 Test Pass, Darin Wright
  • [platform-ant-dev] Olivier Planson is out of the office., Olivier Planson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Igor Ivanoff-Takats está ausente do escritório., igor . takats
  • [platform-ant-dev] eclipse.refreshLocal not working anymore, Ivanhoe Abrehams
  • [platform-ant-dev] RC1 Test Pass: Debug & Ant, Darin Wright
  • [platform-ant-dev] Projectclasspath (Buildclasspath) in build.xml, Gubler, Rüdiger
  • [platform-ant-dev] M9 test plan, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant integrate with ecclipse, King Wang
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant Output capture., Vijay
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant/Apache licensing, Douglas Schaefer
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant UI HEAD requirements, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant UI broken in HEAD, Jim des Rivieres
  • [platform-ant-dev] New compiler warning for unnecesary else, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] AntCorePreferences and URLs, Gunnar Wagenknecht
  • [platform-ant-dev] build failed, Manda Sairam
  • Re: [platform-ant-dev] AntTemplateAccess patch (Ant head requirements), Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] AntTemplateAccess patch, Tom Eicher
  • [platform-ant-dev] Bugzilla practices proposal, Jared Burns
  • [platform-ant-dev] Re: Ant requirements, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] Ant requirements, Darin Swanson
  • [platform-ant-dev] source code for Ant task eclipse.refreshLocal, Sean C. Sullivan
  • [platform-ant-dev] Create launch shortcuts programmatically, Gunnar Wagenknecht

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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