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[platform-ant-dev] Xerces not in the classpath anymore?

Hello ant-dev.
I noticed that between Eclipse 2.0 and Eclipse 2.1.1 the default preferences for the Ant runtime classpath dropped the references to xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar. This had the interesting sideeffect of breaking my plugin in Eclipse 2.1.1.
My plugin (traditional Eclipse GUI plugin) runs Ant via the AntRunner. My plugin expresses dependencies on org.apache.xerces, org.apache.ant, and org.eclipse.ant.core. Yet I get class not found errors for any XML related class (org/xml/sax/...).
Any thoughts on how to proceed in diagnosing the problem?
My current workaround is to deploy another plugin that contains all of Xerces and Xalan and declare those jars as extra class path entries so that they show up in the Ant runtime class path.

Naresh Sikha
Senior Staff, Technology Solutions
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
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