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Re: [platform-ant-dev] Extrnal Tools Builders Error.

On Thursday 15 May 2003 09:48 am, Dong Zhou wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to add an external tool builder for my project.  I am using
> and-1.5.1.  I am sure I include ant jars, such as ant.jar, optional.jar,
> xml-apis.jar and xml-apis.jar, on ant configure.   However, when I go to
> Properties for my project->External Tools Builders->New->Ant Build and pick
> up my build.xml at Location, then go to the Targets.  I always got an error
> saying "class:org/apache/xerces/parsers/IntegratedParserConfiguration,
> method: configurePipeline signature:()V) Incompatible type for getting or
> setting field."  Does eclipse have a version requirement for ant?

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