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Re: [platform-ant-dev] Eclipse 2.1, Ant 1.5.2, log method -> NullPointerException


I am guessing a little here as you neglected to provide the stack trace but are you including your custom tasks within the plug-in JAR as well as in your task JARs?

Please see
or the Eclipse readme (known issues).


Oliver Wulff <oliver.wulff@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ant-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/01/03 03:41 AM
Please respond to platform-ant-dev

        To:        platform-ant-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [platform-ant-dev] Eclipse 2.1, Ant 1.5.2, log method -> NullPointerException

Hi everybody

I've downloaded Eclipse 2.1 where Ant 1.5.2 is integrated. If I want
register custom Ant task, I deployed my jars to the ant plugin and changed
the file plugin.xml. Unfortunately, I get a NullPointerException back. I've
found the reason in the call log() inside the task. The call log() does
work outside of Eclipse. Did anybody have the same problem?


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