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  • [photran] Problem setting linker options correctly for Intel Fortran (and solution), Bob Apthorpe
  • [photran] Fwd: Failed to create control for the dynamic tab "Basic Optoins", Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] Problems to port Fortran project from CVF to Photran, Klemens Barfus
  • [photran] photran cygwin problem with "mkdir", Simon Krebietke
  • [photran] PTP 7.0.1 and Photran 8.1.1 released, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] PTP 7.0 and Photran 8.1 released with Eclipse Kepler, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] Gotta ask ... is there an update planned?, Carl Slater
  • [photran] Visualizing the contents of arrays and matrices, Paulus Zgz
  • [photran] Program "gcc" not found in PATH, Brian Payne
  • [photran] Question on debugging problem, Paulus Zgz
  • [photran] Post Doctoral Proposition in IFPEN, CELSE Benoit
  • [photran] Late reply to a question: "Could not find a file to match the module name: ***", Paulus Zgz
  • [photran] Debugger variable value on mouse hover, Lurkos
  • [photran] Code Folding and Debugging Problems, Andrea Idini
  • [photran] Question about sharing code among projects, Bob Apthorpe
  • [photran] Intel Fortran Error parsing, Orion Poplawski
  • [photran] Syntax error:Unexpected extraneous character, 細見 達男
  • [photran] Refactoring for Fortran code with #include?, Brian Bonnlander
  • [photran] Refactoring F77 global common blocks into F90 modules, Carl Slater
  • [photran] PTP 6.0.5 and Photran 8.0.5 released, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] auto complete for user defined types/classes, Christopher Hansen
  • [photran] PTP 6.0.4 and Photran 8.0.4 released with Eclipse Juno SR2, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] Problem to open in Juno a workspace that was not saved properly, Michel DEVEL
  • [photran] Fw:UnrollLoopRefactoring in Photran, 王春艳
  • [photran] redirect std out, Daniel Harenberg
  • [photran] The results I obtain are different if I order the program to write the values on my black screen or not., Josep Crous-Duran
  • [photran] Parsing/Indexing errors, Anderson, Timothy L CIV NAWCWD, 452500D
  • [photran] Syntax Error - Unable to recognize '*' in column 1 as comment, Scholz, Bernhard (GE Global Research)
  • [photran] Is there a library that will allow my gnu fortran console app to call the Windows Open File Dialog box?, bill . pate
  • Re: [photran] Hey, Antonio Maximo
  • [photran] submit Fortran refactoring to Photran, Ben DuPont
  • [photran] Find places where a component of a derived type is used, YiLong Li
  • [photran] Parser - Editor Scalability, vinay nagaraj
  • [photran] CMake and Photran (or Eclipse generally)..., Dick Munroe
  • [photran] Definition#findAllReferences(…) seem broken across multiple files, Nick Chen
  • [photran] fixed form column guides, Drake, Johnathan
  • [photran] refactoring/indexation problems, David Lauvergnat
  • [photran] "Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine" from Photran 8.0 (Eclipse 4.2) on Mac OS X 10.6.8, ffmo
  • [photran] What is the difference between ast.toString() and ast.getRoot().toString() in a refactoring class, 柏良
  • [photran] PTP 6.0.3 and Photran 8.0.3 released, Beth Tibbitts
  • [photran] RESOLVED: How to set PATH on Mac OS X Mountain Lion, Jeffrey Overbey

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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