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Re: [photran] Editor hangs when shifting code in large files

I have the same problem in shifting right lines, even if I select only 3-4 lines. I've never been able to find a bug related to this. I'm on Linux.

Gianluca Bertaina

Il 27/11/2013 18:27, Henrich, Frank (E P CP TI TC AERO 2) ha scritto:



I just switched from the Indigo to the Kepler release (both running on Red Head EL 5) and followed the instructions in the user manual to properly set up the Fortran Projekt for Phoran 8.


The CDT features still work fine (as in the Indigo release), but I encounter the following problems when editing my Fortran source files in the project (I am working on a mixed language C++/Fortran project):


In large source files the editor somehow freezes at certain operations. For example, shifting a code block of several lines to the right takes a long time (depending on the source file size) while toggling comment on the selection works almost immediately.


Did I miss anything important when converting the Indigo project?


Apologies if this has already been documented somewhere, but I did not find a suitable entry in the archive.


Best regards,



photran mailing list

Gianluca Bertaina, PhD
Dipartimento di Fisica
Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano Italia
Ufficio A/T/S5
tel: +39 02 503 17664 

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