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[photran] Updating to PTP 7 when using old synchronized projects

just to let you know I managed somehow to import a synchronized PTP 6 project into PTP 7.
In PTP 6 synchronized projects multiplied the build configurations by the number of remote hosts on which I compiled my code. Since even without using synchronized projects I already have dozens of build configurations I decided to try to use my PTP 6 workspace with the new Eclipse Kepler and PTP 7.

I succeded in converting the project removing the <nature>org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.sync.core.remoteSyncNature</nature> in the .project file and then reconverting the project to a Synchronized project (see below for the procedure from PTP 5 to PTP 6). I also removed all the old build configurations which referred to remote hosts and I also had to remove the workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ptp.rdt.sync.core.prefs file, before converting the project.

I do not advise to follow this procedure unless I have a large number of build configurations, because I guess the .cproject file will contain a lot of old unused stuff.

All the best,
Gianluca Bertaina

Il 25/09/2012 20:53, John Eblen ha scritto:

Thank you - this is very useful information. In PTP 6, the data storage for synchronized projects has been moved to allow synchronized projects to be
relocated. See for details. This is why PTP 5 projects no longer work after an upgrade to PTP 6.


On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Gianluca Bertaina <gianluca.bertaina@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

in case somebody is interested, the only way that I found to update to PTP 6 and still use my projects with all the configuration settings (except for the sync settings, which I was forced to reset) was:
1) Install the new version of Eclipse/PTP (*), create a new empty workspace
2) Before importing my project from the old workspace, modify the .project file by removing the line:
3) Import the old project
4) Convert the imported project to a Synchronized project, de-selecting all the configurations
5) In the properties of the project, manually set all the details for each configuration in the C/C++ Build/Synchronize menu

The good point of this procedure is that I didn't have to reset the .cproject file, since I have around one hundred configurations, but I still had to reset the Synchronization settings.

(*) By the way, the Juno version of Eclipse (4.2) is unusable for me (see, so I installed Eclipse 3.8 and then PTP 6.0.1 from the Juno repository. By the moment it works.

Gianluca Bertaina

Gianluca Bertaina, PhD
Dipartimento di Fisica
Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano Italia
Ufficio A/T/S5
tel: +39 02 503 17664 

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