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Re: [photran] RCP with CDT+Photran plug-ins (fwd)

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the reply. We want to use Photran just for displaying Fortran
source code with syntax highlight. We can just CDT for this and works
very well, but without syntax highlight :-(

I may be interested with your "hacked" code. Could you please send me the
code ?

I think it is preferable to reorganize photran plug-ins and its
dependences. For instance, by including org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface,
I have to include some plug-ins I don't need to (cdt.make.ui,
cdt.managebuilder, ...)



On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Jeffrey Overbey wrote:

> > java.lang.IllegalStateException
> >         at
> > org.eclipse.photran.internal.ui.editor.AbstractFortranEditor.<init>(
> >
> Try commenting out this line (122 in  It's
> there only to propagate changes when the editor's syntax coloring
> preferences are changed, if I remember right.
> > My question is: which CDT/Photran plug-ins do I need to include in my RCP
> > ? I hope I do not need to include all CDT/Photran plugins....
> >
> I can't say for sure, since I haven't tried this, and I'm not sure
> exactly what you want to do with it in the end.  The minimal set should
> be org.eclipse.photran.cdtinterface, org.eclipse.photran.core, and
> org.eclipse.photran.ui.  If you need parsing/refactoring/program
> analysis, you should include the VPG Core and UI plug-ins as well.
> Your bigger concern developing an RCP application will probably be the
> fact that Photran and CDT rely heavily on the org.eclipse.core.resources
> plug-in (and even the org.eclipse.ui.ide plug-in, I think), which are
> not really appropriate for inclusion in RCP applications.  Last week, I
> hacked together a standalone version of our parser and symbol
> table/program database for use in an (experimental) command line tool; I
> created mock objects for IFile, IResource, IPath, etc. which implement
> the methods we actually use but are backed by normal
> objects.  That was possible only because the VPG (and Fortran module
> loader) use only a very limited subset of these interfaces.  But that
> might be an option; I can send that code if you want it.
> Jeff
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