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Re: [phoenix-dev] move community and home page to git

On 09/10/2012 05:43 PM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
Actually... I'm thinking that we should probably use Orion.

Actually, I would very much prefer not.

Orion is still not release/production ready, and although I'm sure the Orion team are doing the best they can, I can only assume that at this point in the project's lifecycle, feature-completeness is a higher priority than security.  Since you'll be entering (storing?) your committer credentials, any security hole and/or exploit could lead us to a massive amount of pain -- website defacing, SSH access, root escalation.

Furthermore, OrionHub is not yet SSL-secured (we're slowly working on it) so that makes matters even more dangerous.

At this time, do not enter/store your committer credentials in OrionHub.


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