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Re: [phoenix-dev] Marketplace RESTish API

Hi Nathan,

This looks really good. Could you also make the favourites available through a REST api? That I can get my (or your) favourites, including the composite repo url and the list of plugins.

Two more things about the marketplace:
I think it is awesome!
You probably don't want to disclose the email address of the users, currently you do that on the "my products" tab.

Thanks Jochen

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Nathan Gervais <nathan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the comments, I have thought about exposing JSON at some point
which is why I went with the "xml" in the URI.  When/if I implement the JSON
stuff I'd just use "json" in those spots.

As for a Java API I'm totally not a Java programmer so I would have the
first clue about building that.

Thanks for the reading material, I'll be sure to check them out.

Nathan Gervais - nathan@xxxxxxxxxxx
Web Developer
The Eclipse Foundation

-----Original Message-----
From: phoenix-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:phoenix-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gunnar Wagenknecht
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:30 PM
To: For developers on the website project.
Subject: Re: [phoenix-dev] Marketplace RESTish API

Nathan Gervais schrieb:
> I've finalized the initial implementation of the Marketplace RESTish
> API.  In a true REST scenario we would be allowing for Create / Retrieve
> / Update / Delete capabilities but in this case we're only offering a
> retrieve feature.

Thanks for working on this. I'm pretty sure that this might be helpful
and someone starts creating some apps out of it soon. :)

> You can find the documentation here

I had a quick look and I was wondering if the "xml" in the URI would be
a good choice long term. For example, REST is about content types and I
could imagine that JSON would be good to have as well.

> I've tried to make it simple to use / parse.  The hope here is to
> eventually have something in Eclipse that will allow browsing of
> Marketplace directly.  Any comments / questions are appreciated.

Will you create a Java API for that? ;)

Anyway, here are some good readings for API design and web/rest-style


Gunnar Wagenknecht
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