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[phoenix-dev] Testing homepage changes


The PlanetEclipse homepage was broken for some time for a portion of our IE users. To make matters worse, this also happened during Day 1 of ESE.

Although Gunnar properly staged his proposed changes to planet-new [1] and waited for +1, we went ahead and +1'd everything without escaping the realm of testing with the latest Firefox. Yours truly is guilty as charged.

I think we need to do a better job of testing major changes to highly visible sites before committing them to live. This means taking the time to load up MSIE and preview the page with various resolutions. This also means we need more Phoenix committers to step in and help with testing.

Gunnar has reverted the Planet homepage to the old banners. I'll examine planet-new and try to find the source of the breakage on MSIE.

Thanks for your help,



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