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Re: [phoenix-dev] New Phoenix Committer

Given that I have vetoed Nathan's immediate election as a Phoenix committer, I should state what I think we should do to move him towards a place where I will remove my veto. So...

What I am looking for is public evidence of Nathan's skills - public in a way that someone who is not working with/directing Nathan can use the same evidence to decide that Nathan has the skills and judgement necessary to be a committer. This can be done by having bugs in bugzilla that Nathan fixes with patches, having a committer apply those patches, and having the committer report back in the bug that the patch was good and close the bug. This allows others to see and evaluate for themsevles: (1) the difficult of the problem being solved (the bug); (2) the quality of the fix (the patch file and the number of times it had to be re-spun); and (3) a public statement of the committer's opinion of the work (the comment from the commiter when closing the bug).

I'd also like to see Nathan work with three different existing committers and thus get three different reviews of his code. I understand that he has worked with Ian and with Susan, although I'm not sure (because there is no bugzilla traceability) whether both Ian and Susan committed his files/patches or just Susan did?  Anyway, three seperate, independent evaluations done in public (bugzilla) and I will definitely remove my veto.

Please note that all of this had nothing to do with Nathan - it's just standard "before electing a new committer to an Eclipse project" process. Really.

- Bjorn

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