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[pde-ui-dev] Editor closing/ background

Hi guys,


I’m new in plugin development and I need some help. I try to find it in faqs without success.
Here what I want to do:

  • Client A opens a remote file (a link in the project on a remote file). The file is writable and it creates a lock file.
  • At the same time client B wants to access to this same file. I want to open the file in an editor in read-only mode (I knows thanks to the lock file) and to put a special background on this editor.


Here my different classes used:

·         MyEditor extended TextEditor

·         MyPartListener extends IPartListener


I found how to create lock-file but I can not delete its in partClosed() in my listener but it creates a NullPointerException and I do not pass to open an editor in read-only mode without changing the remote.


Could someone can help to do that?




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