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[pde-dev] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for Plug-in Development Environment

New problems reported last week

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. AssertionFailedException below ExternalizeStringsOperation.doReplace (thrown in TextEdit.<init>) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
2. BundleException below LocalRegistryBackend.start (thrown in Module.start) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
3. JavaModelException below Util.getMethod (thrown in JavaElement.newNotPresentException) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
4. MalformedByteSequenceException below SAXParserWrapper.parse (thrown in UTF8Reader.invalidByte) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
5. MalformedTreeException below InputContext.insert (thrown in TextEdit$ 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
6. NoSuchElementException below PluginModelManager.addWorkspaceBundleToState (thrown in StringTokenizer.nextToken) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
7. NumberFormatException below PluginConfiguration.parse (thrown in NumberFormatException.forInputString) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
8. SWTException below CategorySection.refresh (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -

Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. IOException below BundleManifestDescriber.getByteOrderMark (thrown in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened) 264 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
2. IllegalArgumentException below BundleManifestSourceLocationManager.setPlugins (thrown in Version.validate) 100 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
3. FileNotFoundException below WorkspaceBuildModel.load (thrown in FileInputStream.open0) 78 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
4. SWTException below FormEntry.setValue (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 68 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
5. ClassNotFoundException below NewPluginTemplateChoiceWizard.addTemplate (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 41 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
6. JavaModelException below PDESourcePathProvider.addBinaryPackageFragmentRoots (thrown in JavaElement.newJavaModelException) 35 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
7. NoSuchElementException below BundleManifestSourceLocationManager.setPlugins (thrown in StringTokenizer.nextToken) 26 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
8. SWTException below ExtensionsSection.refresh (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 26 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
9. FileNotFoundException below CoreUtility.jarContainsResource (thrown in 24 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
10. NoStackTrace in PDEState.createNewTargetState 23 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
11. NumberFormatException below BundleManifestSourceLocationManager.setPlugins (thrown in NumberFormatException.forInputString) 23 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
12. CoreException in BuildTimeFeatureFactory.parseBuildFeature 21 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
13. FileNotFoundException below WorkspaceBuildModel.load (thrown in 20 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
14. ClassFormatError below PDECore.start (thrown in ClassLoader.defineClass1) 18 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
15. ClassNotFoundException below PointSelectionPage$8.createWizard (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 18 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
16. SWTException below DSPropertiesSection.refresh (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 15 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
17. NoStackTrace in DirectoryBundleContainer.resolveBundles 14 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
18. HIDDEN below SAXParserWrapper.parse (thrown in AbstractSAXParser.parse) 13 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
19. ResourceException below FeatureRebuilder.touchFeatures (thrown in WorkManager.checkIn) 13 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
20. NullPointerException in QuickFixProcessor.handleAccessRestrictionByImportPackage 12 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
21. FileNotFoundException below TracingOptionsManager.getOptions (thrown in 11 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
22. AssertionFailedException below InputContext.insert (thrown in TextEdit.internalSetParent) 10 UNCONFIRMED normal 450000
23. IllegalStateException below P2Utils.writeBundlesTxt (thrown in SimpleConfiguratorManipulatorUtils.writeConfiguration) 10 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
24. InterruptedException in EditIUContainerPage$ 10 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
25. NoStackTrace in TargetPlatform.getLocation 10 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
26. BackingStoreException below PDEProject.getBundleRoot (thrown in ProjectPreferences.load) 9 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
27. NoStackTrace in SearchablePluginsManager.saveStates 9 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
28. NullPointerException below CSSSection.handleSynchronize (thrown in Path.<init>) 9 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
29. CoreException in ClasspathComputer.getClasspath 8 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
30. CoreException in ManifestUtils.loadManifest 8 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount

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