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[pde-dev] Transition to RC1 fix pass

Please familiarize yourself with the 3.6 end game and the RC1 rules of 
engagement (

Focus:(1) P1 defects, (2) performance defects, (3) special "polish" items. 
Fixing other defects has lower priority.

Fix approval: Another committer must +1 your bug report. All changes must 
have their associated bug reports tagged 3.6RC1. (Ongoing changes to 
component documentation do not require special approval.)

API change approval: PMC must approve all API changes. No changes are to 
be released without prior approval and associated bug report. Send the 
request for approval to the eclipse pmc mailing list. If a change is made 
to API to make it binary compatible with 3.5, technically this is still an 
API change, and thus it should be treated in the same way as any other API 
change requests.

Notification requirements: None.

Extra checking requirements: One additional committer must check all code 
changes prior to release.




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