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[pde-dev] Fwd: Package-level versioning checking

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From: dilum vithana <dilumdcv@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 22 March 2010 13:42
Subject: Package-level versioning checking
To: caniszczyk@xxxxxxxxx


I'm a computer engineering undergraduate from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.I'm interested in implementing the 'Package-level versioning checking' project idea for GSoC 2010.

I'm following four year degree of Computer Science and Engineering. During the study period we have to under go a training period of six months. This training period, they gave me to Eclipse related project. The intension of my project is to develop the Eclipse platform to comply with the requirement of the company. Throughout the day I'm evolving developing Eclipse project. Because of that I'm quite familiar with source code of the Eclipse. (Eclipse, Subclipse, VTP (Voice Tool Project) and PDE ). Since your project goes parallel with my internship I would like to join your project.  

I would appreciate if you can sent more information about your project. 


Best Regards,
Dilum Vithana 

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