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Re: Fw: [Fwd: [pde-dev] Build error]

thank You :->
Darin Wright wrote:
Posting to p2-dev in case anyone can help.

----- Forwarded by Darin Wright/Ottawa/IBM on 08/25/2009 10:44 AM -----

Mark Russell <mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"Eclipse PDE general developers list." <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Lisa Jett <ljett@xxxxxxxx>
08/24/2009 08:00 AM
[Fwd: [pde-dev] Build error]
Sent by:

I have not hear from anyone.  Am I posting this to the wrong list?

Which list should I post to to get an answer to this?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [pde-dev] Build error
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 08:36:15 -0400
From: Mark Russell <mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Eclipse PDE general developers list. <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Organization: Instantiations, Inc.
To: Eclipse PDE general developers list. <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Lisa Jett <ljett@xxxxxxxx>

I sent this last week.

Can anyone give me any help on this?  It is blocking me.

First off thanks for the help getting PDE under debug. That has helped
me solve several issues.
I have made some progress.

First I have converted the build to use the eclipse 3.5 PDE.

I'm still passing this data to the PDE build:
[echoproperties] generate.p2.metadata=true
[echoproperties] p2.artifact.repo=file\:/f\:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
[echoproperties] Artifact Repo
[echoproperties] p2.flavor=tooling
[echoproperties] p2.metadata.repo=file\:/f\:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
[echoproperties] Meta Repo
[echoproperties] p2.publish.artifacts=true

now it runs the build and eventually gets to line 566 in
it is trying to execute this block:
    if (bundle.getSymbolicName().equals(ORG_ECLIPSE_EQUINOX_LAUNCHER)) {
        bundle = EclipseInstallGeneratorInfoProvider.createLauncher();
it throws the null pointer exception because the getSymbolicName returns
null on plugin
BundleInfo(, ,
location=org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.0.0.v20080604.jar, startLevel=1, toBeStarted=true, resolved=false, id=-1,no manifest, this.specialConfigCommands=null)

Why would the plugin org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator return null
for getSymbolicName()?

I also tried to take org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator out of my
product file then the PDE fails with a NPE at line 1177 in getBundleDescriptions.
any help would be great.

Mark Russell
Build Master
Instantiations, Inc.
+1 724-368-3331 (land line)

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