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Re: [p2-dev] Re: [pde-dev] error running P2 metadata generation

Here is what I get when I use generate.p2.metadata=true

[p2.generator] Generating metadata for f:\build\openArbor\temp\\tmp\openarbor.
[p2.generator] Generation completed with success [38 seconds].

         [zip] Updating zip: f:\build\openArbor\temp\\I.200908061606\
      [delete] Deleting directory f:\build\openArbor\temp\\tmp

[p2.generator] Generating metadata for null.

why the second call to generate.p2.metadata and why would it be null?

Mark Russell wrote:
thanks, Let me give that a try

Andrew Niefer wrote:

Hi Mark,
I've just noticed that you changed from p2.generate.metadata to p2.gathering. You may be in a intermediate state between two different build setups.

If you only changed the director to be 3.5 and the rest of the build is still on 3.4.2, then p2.gathering won't work, which is why there is no repository. You can change the properties back as you had them and the 3.5 director can install the same as the 3.4.2 one would have.

If you've changed the entire build to 3.5, then p2.gathering=true has different behaviour than the old p2.generate.metadata There are some docs here: that try to explain the differences.

Basically with p2.gathering=true, it goes something like this:

   1. the product build first publishes metadata to a build repository,
      which by default is ${buildDirectory}/buildRepo.
   2. the director is run automatically and installs from buildRepo into
      the normal build result location
   3. a mirror call is run to mirror metadata from buildRepo into your
      specified p2.metadata.repository and p2.artifact.repository

You would not need your own director call anymore with this change. If you have your own director call in a custom step, it could be the mirror to p2.metadata.repository hasn't happened yet.

To debug, you can start the build process using vm args "-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000". The vm will then wait for a debug to attach. In a separate instance of the same version of eclipse, you can import as a binary project with source. Set breakpoints and attach to the running build on port 8000. When building with p2.generate.metadata, you'll also want org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.generator
Building with p2.gathering, you'll want org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher
The director is in

When running with p2.gathering, the automatic director call happens in a separate process, see You'll need to set p2.director.extraVMArgs=-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000, and then attach to that director process later.


From:     Mark Russell <mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:     "Eclipse PDE general developers list." <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc:     Lisa Jett <ljett@xxxxxxxx>
Date:     08/06/2009 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [p2-dev] Re: [pde-dev] error running P2 metadata generation
Sent by:     pde-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


Since no one can seem to see anything wrong with my code. Is there a way to debug the code that calls the p2 meta data
generation of the PDE build.

Can someone point me to a web page that tells me how to debug into the code so I can figure out why this is not working.

 Mark Russell wrote:
 > here is what it looks like now:
> [echo] p2.metadata.repository.url = ${p2.metadata.repository.url}
 >         [echo] p2.gathering = true
 >         [echo] p2.metadata.repo = file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >         [echo] p2.artifact.repo = file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >         [echo] = OpenArbor Meta Repo
 >         [echo] = OpenArbor Artifact Repo
 >         [echo] p2.flavor = tooling
 >         [echo] p2.publish.artifacts = true
 > still not getting any p2 meta data in F:\build\openpabor\temp\repo
 > Ian Bull wrote:
 >> Mark,
 >> Can you try removing:
 >> p2.metadata.repository.url
 >> I don't see this in the docs, and I don't think it's necessary.
 >> cheers,
 >> ian
 >> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:18 AM, Mark Russell
 >> <mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 >> <mailto:mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
 >>     Andrew:
 >>     Thanks for you help, running eclipse 3.5 director got rid of the
 >>     strange path issue.
 >>     Director is now failing with
>> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.ProvisionException:
 >>     No repository found at file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>     It appears the my PDE build is not generating the P2 Meta Data.
>> Here is the data I pass to the pde build to get it to generate the
 >>     P2 meta data:
 >>            [echo] p2.metadata.repository.url =
 >>     file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>            [echo] p2.gathering = true
>> [echo] p2.metadata.repo = file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/ >> [echo] p2.artifact.repo = file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/ >> [echo] < <>> =
 >>     OpenArbor Meta Repo
>> [echo] < <>> =
 >>     OpenArbor Artifact Repo
 >>            [echo] p2.flavor = tooling
 >>            [echo] p2.publish.artifacts = true
 >>     Any ideas what I'm doing wrong
 >>     Andrew Niefer wrote:
 >>         Mark,
 >>         It looks like the urls to the repositories are getting messed
 >>         up, but I have not been able to reproduce this.
>> Since the director call is a discrete step from the rest of the
 >>         build, I would suggest trying the director from 3.5 instead.
 >>          You can leave everything else on 3.4.2.
>> 3.4 had a lot of problems with bugs in the URL class. In 3.5 we
 >>         switched to using URI's instead.
 >>         -Andrew
 >>         From:   Mark Russell <mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
 >>         To:     "Eclipse PDE general developers list."
 >>         <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
 >>         Cc:     Lisa Jett <ljett@xxxxxxxx <mailto:ljett@xxxxxxxx>>
 >>         Date:   07/31/2009 01:46 PM
 >>         Subject:        Re: [p2-dev] Re: [pde-dev] error running P2
 >>         metadata generation
 >>         Sent by:        pde-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:pde-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I was on vacation that is why it took me so long to post this.
 >>         I have tried all of you suggestions.
 >>         I'm stumped.  Should I be posing this on the p2-dev list?
 >>         here is the output from the run:
>> [echo] >> java -jar >> >> f:\eclipses_openarbor\eclipse_34_openArbor\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar
>> [echo] >> -data >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\workspace-director >> [echo] >> -application
 >>" />
>> [echo] >> -nosplash >> [echo] >> --launcher.suppressErrors >> [echo] >> -consoleLog >> [echo] >> -flavor tooling >> [echo] >> -installIU
 >>         com.ddci.openarbor.application.product
>> [echo] >> -version 3.4.2.v200907311300 >> [echo] >> -p2.os win32 >> [echo] >> < <>> win32 >> [echo] >> -p2.arch x86 >> [echo] >> -roaming >> [echo] >> -profile OpenArborProfile >> [echo] >> -metadataRepository
 >>         file:///f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo
>> [echo] >> -artifactRepository
 >>         file:///f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo
>> [echo] >> -destination
 >>         f:/build/openArbor/temp/
>> [echo] >> -bundlepool
 >>         f:/build/openArbor/temp/
>> [echo] >> -vmargs >> [echo] >> >>
 >>                [echo]                                          [java]
>> >> F:\eclipses_openarbor\eclipse_34_openArbor\configuration\f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\tmp\eclipse\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core\cache\artifacts.xml
 >>         (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is
 >> incorrect)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >> Method)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >><init>(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >><init>(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.simple.SimpleArtifactRepository.<init>(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.spi.p2.artifact.repository.SimpleArtifactRepositoryFactory.create(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.createRepository(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.restoreDownloadCache(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.restoreRepositories(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.getRepository(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.loadRepository(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.loadRepository(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.console.ProvisioningHelper.addArtifactRepository(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
>> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
 >>                [java] !SESSION 2009-07-31 13:07:20.343
 >>         -----------------------------------------------
 >>                [java] eclipse.buildId=M20090211-1700
 >>                [java] java.version=1.6.0_13
 >>                [java] java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
 >>                [java] BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86,
 >>         WS=win32, NL=en_US
 >>                [java] Framework arguments:  -application
 >>         --launcher.suppressErrors
 >>         -flavor tooling -installIU
 >>         com.ddci.openarbor.application.product -version
>> 3.4.2.v200907311300 -p2.os win32 < <>> win32
 >>         -p2.arch x86 -roaming -profile OpenArborProfile
 >>         -metadataRepository file:///f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo
 >>         -artifactRepository
 >>         file:///f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo -destination
 >>         f:/build/openArbor/temp/
 >> -bundlepool
 >>         f:/build/openArbor/temp/
 >>                [java] Command-line arguments:  -data
>> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\workspace-director
 >>         -application
>> --launcher.suppressErrors -consoleLog -flavor tooling -installIU
 >>         com.ddci.openarbor.application.product -version
>> 3.4.2.v200907311300 -p2.os win32 < <>> win32
 >>         -p2.arch x86 -roaming -profile
 >>         OpenArborProfile -metadataRepository
 >>         file:///f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo -artifactRepository
 >>         file:///f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo -destination
 >>         f:/build/openArbor/temp/
 >> -bundlepool
 >>         f:/build/openArbor/temp/
>> [java] !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2009-07-31 13:07:25.547
 >>                [java] !MESSAGE Application error
 >>                [java] !STACK 1
 >>                [java] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Registry
 >>         Directory not available.
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.restore(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.getProfileMap(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.internalGetProfile(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.getProfile(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.console.ProvisioningHelper.getProfile(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
>> >>
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>                [java]                  at
>> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>                [java]                  at
 >>         org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
 >>                [java] Java Result: 13
 >>         Nick Boldt wrote:
 >>          > You have both \ and / slashes in your paths. Try making
 >> them all
 >>          > forward-slashes: "file:/f:/..." or "f:/..."
 >>          >
>> > If you want to test if a path works, paste it into Firefox.
 >> If it
>> > resolves to a folder or file on your box, it's good. If not,
 >>         it'll 404
 >>          > Not Found and you'll know immediately.
 >>          >
>> > (Bonus points if you ditch Windows for an OS that doesn't do
 >>         drive
 >>          > letters or back-slashes as path segments.) :)
 >>          >
 >>          > Ian Bull wrote:
 >>          >> I'm not an expert on URIs (and even more of a nob when it
 >>         comes to
 >>          >> Windows URIs).  I did some quick reading, and I saw URIs
 >>         written as
 >>          >> follows:
 >>          >>
 >>          >> file:///f:/somelocation/foo
 >>          >>
 >>          >> notice the 3 slashes before the f:/.  I'm not sure if
 >> that's the
 >>          >> problem, but it might be worth a try.
 >>          >>
 >>          >> Does anyone else see problems with Mark's director call?
 >>          >>
 >>          >> cheers,
 >>          >> ian
 >>          >>
 >>          >> On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Mark Russell
 >>          >> <mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 >>          >> <mailto:mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:mark_russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>     this is the call to the director:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>     [echo]                  java -jar
 >>          >>     >>
>> >> f:\eclipses_openarbor\eclipse_34_openArbor\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar
 >>          >>
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -data
>> >> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\workspace-director
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -application
 >>          >>" />
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -nosplash
>> >> [echo] --launcher.suppressErrors
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -consoleLog
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -flavor tooling
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -installIU
 >>          >>     com.ddci.openarbor.application.product
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -version
 >> 3.4.2.v200907151607
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -p2.os win32
>> >> [echo] < <>>
 >>         < <> <>> win32
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -p2.arch x86
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -roaming
>> >> [echo] -profile OpenArborProfile
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -metadataRepository
 >>          >>     file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -artifactRepository
 >>          >>     file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -destination
>> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -bundlepool
>> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>     [echo]                          -vmargs
 >>          >>     [echo]                             >>
>> >>\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>     Mark Russell wrote:
 >>          >>
>> >> thanks Ian. that got rid of the NPE. however all
 >>         I'm getting
 >>          >>         is one file in my repository directory.  it is
 >>         content.xml see
 >>          >>         below for contents.  Any ideas why P2 is not
 >>         generating the
>> >> metadata. I already posted what the error is if I
 >>         try to run
 >>          >>         the metadata generation from an external eclipse.
 >>          >>
 >>          >>         the content.xml looks like this:
 >>          >>         <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 >>          >>         <?metadataRepository
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> class='org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.LocalMetadataRepository'
 >>          >>
 >>          >>         version='1.0.0'?>
 >>          >>         <repository
 >> name='file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/ -
 >>          >>         metadata'
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> type='org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.metadata.repository.LocalMetadataRepository'
 >>          >>
 >>          >>         version='1'>
 >>          >>          <properties size='1'>
 >>          >>            <property name='p2.timestamp'
 >> value='1247661625641'/>
 >>          >>          </properties>
 >>          >>         </repository>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>         the is the errors I get from the run of director:
 >>          >>                [echo] installing
 >>         com.ddci.openarbor.application.product
 >>          >>         to 3.4.2.v200907150829 to
>> >> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>                [java] Executing 'C:\Program
 >>          >>         Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe' with arguments:
 >>          >>                [java] '-jar'
 >>          >>                [java]
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> 'f:\eclipses_openarbor\eclipse_34_openArbor\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar'
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java] '-data'
 >>          >>                [java]
>> >> >> 'f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\workspace-director'
 >>          >>                [java] '-application'
 >>          >>                [java]
 >>         ''
 >>          >>                [java] '-nosplash'
 >>          >>                [java] '--launcher.suppressErrors'
 >>          >>                [java] '-consoleLog'
 >>          >>                [java] '-flavor'
 >>          >>                [java] 'tooling'
 >>          >>                [java] '-installIU'
 >>          >>                [java]
 >> 'com.ddci.openarbor.application.product'
 >>          >>                [java] '-version'
 >>          >>                [java] '3.4.2.v200907150829'
 >>          >>                [java] '-p2.os'
 >>          >>                [java] 'win32'
>> >> [java] ' < <>> < <>
 >>         <>>'
 >>          >>                [java] 'win32'
 >>          >>                [java] '-p2.arch'
 >>          >>                [java] 'x86'
 >>          >>                [java] '-roaming'
 >>          >>                [java] '-profile'
 >>          >>                [java] 'OpenArborProfile'
 >>          >>                [java] '-metadataRepository'
>> >> [java] 'file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/'
 >>          >>                [java] '-artifactRepository'
>> >> [java] 'file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/'
 >>          >>                [java] '-destination'
 >>          >>                [java]
>> >> >> 'f:\build\openArbor\temp\'
 >>          >>                [java] '-bundlepool'
 >>          >>                [java]
>> >> >> 'f:\build\openArbor\temp\'
 >>          >>                [java] '-vmargs'
 >>          >>                [java]
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> '\build\openArbor\temp\'
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]
 >>          >>                [java] The ' characters around the
 >> executable and
 >>          >>         arguments are
 >>          >>                [java] not part of the command.
 >>          >>                [java]
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> F:\eclipses_openarbor\eclipse_34_openArbor\configuration\f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\tmp\eclipse\p2\org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core\cache\artifacts.xml
 >>          >>
 >>          >>         (The filename, directory name, or volume label
 >> syntax is
 >>          >> incorrect)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >> Method)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >> Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >> Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.simple.SimpleArtifactRepository.<init>(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.spi.p2.artifact.repository.SimpleArtifactRepositoryFactory.create(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.createRepository(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.restoreDownloadCache(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.restoreRepositories(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.getRepository(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.loadRepository(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryManager.loadRepository(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.console.ProvisioningHelper.addArtifactRepository(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
 >>         Method)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown
 >>         Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>         java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown
 >>          >> Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
 >>          >>                [java] !SESSION 2009-07-15 08:40:23.610
 >>          >>         -----------------------------------------------
 >>          >>                [java] eclipse.buildId=M20090211-1700
 >>          >>                [java] java.version=1.6.0_13
 >>          >>                [java] java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
 >>          >>                [java] BootLoader constants: OS=win32,
 >> ARCH=x86,
 >>          >>         WS=win32, NL=en_US
 >>          >>                [java] Framework arguments:  -application
 >>          >>
>> >> --launcher.suppressErrors -flavor tooling -installIU
 >>          >>         com.ddci.openarbor.application.product -version
 >>          >>         3.4.2.v200907150829 -p2.os win32
>> < <>> < <> <>> win32
 >>          >>         -p2.arch x86 -roaming -profile OpenArborProfile
 >>          >>         -metadataRepository
 >> file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>          >>         -artifactRepository
 >> file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>          >>         -destination
>> >> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>         -bundlepool
 >>          >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>                [java] Command-line arguments:  -data
>> >> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\result\workspace-director
 >>          >>         -application
 >>          >>         --launcher.suppressErrors -consoleLog -flavor
 >>         tooling -installIU
 >>          >>         com.ddci.openarbor.application.product -version
 >>          >>         3.4.2.v200907150829 -p2.os win32
>> < <>> < <> <>> win32
 >>          >>         -p2.arch x86 -roaming -profile OpenArborProfile
 >>          >>         -metadataRepository
 >> file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>          >>         -artifactRepository
 >> file:/f:/build/openArbor/temp/repo/
 >>          >>         -destination
>> >> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
 >>          >>         -bundlepool
 >>          >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\
>> >> [java] !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2009-07-15
 >>         08:40:25.688
 >>          >>                [java] !MESSAGE Application error
 >>          >>                [java] !STACK 1
 >>          >>                [java] java.lang.IllegalStateException:
 >> Registry
 >>          >>         Directory not available.
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.restore(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.getProfileMap(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.internalGetProfile(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.getProfile(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.console.ProvisioningHelper.getProfile(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >> org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>          >>         >>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
 >>         Method)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown
 >>         Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
 >>         java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown
 >>          >> Source)
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >>
 >>          >>                [java]     at
>> >> >> org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
 >>          >>                [java] Java Result: 13
 >>          >>         Ian Bull wrote:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>             Can you try
 >>          >>             p2.gathering = true
 >>          >>
 >>          >>             (instead of generate.metadata = true).  This
 >>         should use the
>> >> publisher (the new tool for generating metadata).
 >>          >>
 >>          >>             cheers,
 >>          >>             ian
 >>          >>
 >>          >>             On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Nick Boldt
 >>          >>             <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>>
 >>          >>             <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx> <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>>>>
 >>          >>             wrote:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                Some guesses:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                * ${buildDirectory} is not defined
 >>          >>                * ${buildDirectory} contains spaces
>> >> * ${buildDirectory} contains the wrong slashes >> >> * < <>> >> < <> <>> < <>
 >>         <>>
 >>          >>             properties need to be wrapped with quotes
 >>          >>
>> >> You could try running the generator by hand
 >>         and pass in
 >>          >>             all the
>> >> required parameters. Here's the syntax I used
 >>         the last
 >>          >>             time I had to
 >>          >>                regen metadata for an update site:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                cd /tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2; rm -fr
 >>         artifacts.jar
 >>          >>             content.jar; \
 >>          >>                /home/nboldt/eclipse/eclipse/eclipse -vm
 >>          >>             /opt/jdk1.5.0/bin/java \
 >>          >>                -workspace /tmp/workspace -application \
 >>          >>                 >>
 >>         org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.generator.EclipseGenerator \
 >>          >>                 -updateSite /tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/ \
 >>          >>                 -source /tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/ \
 >>          >>                 -site
 >> file:/tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/site.xml \
 >>          >>                 -features
 >> /tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/features/ \
 >>          >>                 -bundles
 >> /tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/bundles/ \
 >>          >>                 -metadataRepository
 >>         file:/tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/ \
 >>          >>                 -artifactRepository
 >>         file:/tmp/jbtm2nupdate/3.1.0.M2/ \
>> >> -metadataRepositoryName "JBoss Tools Update
 >>         Site" \
 >>          >>                 -artifactRepositoryName "JBoss Tools
 >>         Artifacts" \
>> >> -noDefaultIUs -compress -reusePack200Files; \
 >>          >>                rm -fr /tmp/workspace:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                Copying to p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
 >>          >>             <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>> in
 >>          >> case
 >>          >>                they have a better idea than I.
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                N
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                Mark Russell wrote:
 >>          >>
>> >> I'm trying to build the P@ metadata with
 >>         the PDE
 >>          >>             build.  When I
 >>          >>                    run it I get a null pointer exception.
 >>          Here is the
 >>          >>             trace:
 >>          >>                    generate.p2.metadata:
 >>          >>                    [p2.generator] Generating metadata for
>> >> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\tmp\openarbor. >> >> [p2.generator] Generation completed with
 >>         success [28
 >>          >>             seconds].
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    customAssembly:
 >>          >>                            [zip] Updating zip:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\I.200907131324\
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                         [delete] Deleting directory
>> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\tmp
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    generate.p2.metadata:
 >>          >>                    [p2.generator] Generating metadata for
 >> null.
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    BUILD FAILED
 >>          >>                               >>
>> F:\ws\ddci\com.ddci.openarbor.application\build-product.xml:91:
 >>          >>                    The following error occurred while
 >>         executing this
 >>          >> line:
>> >> >> F:\ws\ddci\\build-pde.xml:71: The
 >>          >>             following
>> >> error occurred while executing this line:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> C:\eclipses\eclipse_342\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.1.R34x_v20081217\scripts\productBuild\productBuild.xml:31:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    The following error occurred while
 >>         executing this
 >>          >> line:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> C:\eclipses\eclipse_342\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.1.R34x_v20081217\scripts\build.xml:102:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    The following error occurred while
 >>         executing this
 >>          >> line:
 >>          >>                     >>
 >>         F:\ws\ddci\\customTargets.xml:10: The
>> >> following error occurred while executing
 >>         this line:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> C:\eclipses\eclipse_342\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.1.R34x_v20081217\scripts\productBuild\allElements.xml:10:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    The following error occurred while
 >>         executing this
 >>          >> line:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> C:\eclipses\eclipse_342\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.4.1.R34x_v20081217\scripts\genericTargets.xml:165:
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    The following error occurred while
 >>         executing this
 >>          >> line:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    The following error occurred while
 >>         executing this
 >>          >> line:
 >>          >>                               >>
>> >> f:\build\openArbor\temp\\
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
>> >> An error occurred when calling generator.
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    Total time: 4 minutes 17 seconds
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    here is my file p2
 >>         segment:
 >>          >>                    generate.p2.metadata=true
 >>          >>                    p2.metadata.repo = file:$ <file://$>
 >>         <file://$ <file://$/>>{buildDirectory}/repo
 >>          >>                    p2.artifact.repo = file:$ <file://$>
 >>         <file://$ <file://$/>>{buildDirectory}/repo
 >>          >>          
>> < <>> < <>
 >>         <>>
>> >> < <>
 >>         <>> = OpenArbor
 >>          >>                    Meta Repo
 >>          >>          
>> < <>> < <>
 >>         <>>
>> >> < <>
 >>         <>> = OpenArbor
 >>          >>                    Artifact Repo
 >>          >>                    p2.flavor = tooling
 >>          >>                    p2.publish.artifacts=true
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                    can anyone shed some light on why I'm
 >>         getting the NPE?
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>                --     Nick Boldt ::
>> <> <>
>> >> Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash
 >>         Athena
>> >> >> _______________________________________________
 >>          >>                p2-dev mailing list
 >>          >>                p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
 >>          >>             <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
 >>         <mailto:p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>>
>> >> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>             --             R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource
 >>         Victoria | +1
 >>          >> 250 477 7484
>> >> <> >> <> |
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>             >>
>> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 >>          >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
 >>          >>             pde-dev mailing list
>> >> pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 >>         <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
>> >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>     --     Mark Russell
 >>          >>     Build Master
 >>          >>     Instantiations, Inc.
 >>          >>     +1 724-368-3331 (land line)
>> >> <>
 >>         <>
 >>          >>     _______________________________________________
 >>          >>     pde-dev mailing list
 >>          >>     pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 >>         <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >> --
 >>          >> R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484
>> >> <> <> |
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
 >>          >>
>> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 >>          >>
 >>          >> _______________________________________________
 >>          >> pde-dev mailing list
 >>          >> pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 >>          >>
 >>          >
 >>         --         Mark Russell
 >>         Build Master
 >>         Instantiations, Inc.
 >>         +1 724-368-3331 (land line)
>> <> <>
 >>         _______________________________________________
 >>         pde-dev mailing list
 >>         pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 >>         _______________________________________________
 >>         pde-dev mailing list
 >>         pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 >>     --     Mark Russell
 >>     Build Master
 >>     Instantiations, Inc.
 >>     +1 724-368-3331 (land line)
 >> <>
 >>     _______________________________________________
 >>     pde-dev mailing list
 >>     pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 >> --
 >> R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484
>> <> |
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 >> _______________________________________________
 >> pde-dev mailing list
 >> pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

Mark Russell
Build Master
Instantiations, Inc.
+1 724-368-3331 (land line) <>
pde-dev mailing list


pde-dev mailing list

Mark Russell
Build Master
Instantiations, Inc.
+1 724-368-3331 (land line)

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