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Re: [pde-dev] One problem not able to solve chatura,ravikanth

Hi steven,
           I think your problem is with your plug-in XML.In plug-in XML U
have to set the class property to ur org.eclipse.login.Testlog.In
plugin-xml click the button at the end of the text and search for the
Testlog class and select the Testlog class with the correct
package.Remember to check the use existing class Radio button.


> Hi, i did as u told but iam gettin foll error in console:where Testlog is
> the  class where iam implementing run,init ,selectionchanged methods.
>   Pls check this out,iam getting psyched by this
> Could not create action delegate for id: org.eclipse.login.Testlog
> Reason:
> Plug-in "org.eclipse.login" was unable to instantiate class
> "org.eclipse.login.Testlog".
> Could not create action delegate for id: org.eclipse.login.Testlog
> Reason:
> Plug-in "org.eclipse.login" was unable to instantiate class
> "org.eclipse.login.Testlog".
>    when i run,i get the sample.gif icon with the tool tip and also the
> menu
> item in the workbench Runtime instance.But when i press the icon i get
> message as:
>     " The choosen operation is currently not available"
> My Testlog class is like this:
> import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
> import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
> import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate;
> import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
> import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
> import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
> public class Testlog implements IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate {
> private IWorkbenchWindow window;
> Display display= new Display();
> final Shell sh = new Shell(display);
> public void run(IAction action)
> {
>   Logindialog dialog = new Logindialog(sh);
>   Login login =;
>  MessageBox msg = new MessageBox(sh,SWT.OK);
>   if(login.getButtonResponse())
>   {
>      msg.setMessage("Your id is:"+login.getID()+"\nYour Password is
> :"+login.getPassword());
>    }
>    while(!sh.isDisposed())
>   {
>     if(!display.readAndDispatch())
>     display.sleep();
>    }
>     display.dispose();
>  }//end of run method
> public void selectionChanged(IAction action, ISelection selection)
> {
> }
> public void dispose()
> {
> }
> public void init(IWorkbenchWindow window)
> {
> this.window = window;
> }
> }
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chatura Gunawardana" <chatura@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Steven Sequeira" <ssequeira@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: <chatura_kl@xxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 1:55 PM
> Subject: Re: Thanks for info,but.....
>> Hi Steven,
>>  It's very simple thing to do.
>>  The things u have done in your Main class should be done in the run()
>> in
>> the SampleAction class.
>> Your plug-in will be worked.
>> If you have yahoo id, pls send me. then we can chat.
>> Bye
>> Regards,
>> Chatura(Sri Lanka)
>> > Hi chatura,i dont want it to extend from .views,rather i want it to
> extend
>> > from actionset,so that on pressing a button on toolbar,my window will
>> > display.I have changed plugin.xml by looking into helloworld(autocode
>> > generator)where u have 2 files,one among them is SampleAction which
>> has
>> > run,init,selectionchange methods.....But there is no main class in
>> their
>> > eg.But i have main class.I have also changed my main class file by
> adding
>> > run methods.Can u tell wat chnges exactly i have to do in my main
>> class.
>> >
>> > Again i can give my code:
>> > 1. public class Login {
>> >    String id;
>> >    String password;
>> >    boolean buttonResponse;
>> >    public Login(){}
>> >   public boolean getButtonResponse() {
>> >    return buttonResponse;}
>> > public void setButtonResponse(boolean b){
>> > buttonResponse = b;}
>> > public String getID()
>> > {return id;}
>> > public void setID(String id){
>> > = id;}
>> > public String getPassword(){
>> > return password;}
>> > public void setPassword(String password){
>> > this.password = password;
>> >  }
>> > }
>> >
>> > 2. import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
>> >    import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;i
>> >    import*;
>> >
>> > public class Logindialog extends Dialog {
>> > private Text idText;
>> >
>> > private Text passwordText;
>> > private Button btnOK;
>> > private Button btnCancel;
>> > private Login login;
>> >
>> > Logindialog(Shell arg0) {super(arg0);}
>> > public Login open(){
>> > login = new Login();
>> > final Shell shell = new Shell(getParent(),SWT.DIALOG_TRIM |
>> >
>> > shell.setText(getText());
>> > shell.setSize(400,200);
>> > Label label1 = new
>> > Label(shell,SWT.NONE);
>> > label1.setSize(400,50);
>> > label1.setLocation(0,0);
>> > label1.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER);
>> > label1.setText("\nWelcome to my program.\n please login");
>> > label1.setBackground(new Color(shell.getDisplay(),255,255,255));
>> > Label label2 = new Label(shell,SWT.NONE);
>> > label2.setSize(70,10);
>> > label2.setLocation(20,63);
>> > label2.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT);
>> > label2.setText("ID :");
>> > idText = new Text(shell,SWT.BORDER);
>> > idText.setTextLimit(30);
>> > idText.setBounds(100,60,200,20);
>> > Label label3 = new Label(shell,SWT.NONE);
>> > label3.setSize(70,10);
>> > label3.setLocation(20,93);
>> > label3.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT);
>> > label3.setText("Password :");
>> > passwordText = new Text(shell,SWT.BORDER);
>> > passwordText.setTextLimit(30);
>> > passwordText.setBounds(100,90,200,20);
>> > passwordText.setEchoChar('*');
>> > btnOK = new Button(shell,SWT.PUSH);
>> > btnOK.setText("Login");
>> > btnOK.setLocation(110,130);
>> > btnOK.setSize(80,20);
>> > btnCancel = new Button(shell,SWT.PUSH);
>> > btnCancel.setText("Cancel");
>> > btnCancel.setLocation(210,130);
>> > btnCancel.setSize(80,20);
>> >
>> > Listener listener = new Listener(){
>> >
>> > public void handleEvent(Event event){
>> >
>> > login.setButtonResponse(event.widget==btnOK);
>> >
>> > login.setID(idText.getText());
>> >
>> > login.setPassword(passwordText.getText());shell.close();}};
>> >
>> > btnOK.addListener(SWT.Selection,listener);
>> >
>> > btnCancel.addListener(SWT.Selection,listener);
>> >
>> > Display display = getParent().getDisplay();
>> >
>> > Rectangle rect = display.getBounds();
>> >
>> > int mx = rect.width/2;
>> >
>> > int my = rect.height/2;
>> >
>> > shell.setLocation(mx-200,my-100);
>> >
>> >;
>> >
>> >
>> > while(!shell.isDisposed()){
>> >
>> > if(!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > return login;
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > }
>> >
>> > 3.Testlog class
>> >   import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
>> >   import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
>> >   import*;
>> >
>> > public class Main {
>> > public static void main(String args[]){
>> > Display display= new Display();
>> >
>> >  final Shell sh = new Shell(display);
>> > Logindialog dialog = new Logindialog(sh);Login login =;
>> >
>> > MessageBox msg = new MessageBox(sh,SWT.OK);
>> > if(login.getButtonResponse()) {
>> > msg.setMessage("Your id is:"+login.getID()+"\nYour Password is
>> > :"+login.getPassword());
>> >;
>> > while(!sh.isDisposed()) {
>> > if(!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();
>> > }}
>> > display.dispose(); }}
>> >
>> >
>> > My plugin.xml is:
>> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> > <plugin
>> > id="org.eclipse.login"
>> > name="org.eclipse.login"
>> > provider-name="steven s"
>> > class="org.eclipse.login.Main"
>> > version="1.0.0">
>> >
>> > <requires>
>> > <import plugin="org.eclipse.core.resources"/>
>> > <import plugin="org.eclipse.ui"/>
>> > </requires>
>> >
>> > <runtime>
>> > <library name="login.jar"/>
>> > </runtime>
>> >
>> > <extension
>> >  point="org.eclipse.ui.actionSets">
>> >  <actionSet
>> >  label="Login sample"
>> >  visible="true"
>> >  id="org.eclipse.login.sampleSet">
>> >
>> > <menu
>> > label="Sample &amp;Menu"
>> > id="loginMenu">
>> >
>> > <separator
>> > name="loginGroup">
>> > </separator>
>> > </menu>
>> >
>> > <action
>> >  label="&amp;Sample Action"
>> >  icon="icons/sample.gif"
>> >  tooltip="hi"
>> >  class="org.eclipse.login.Main"
>> >  menubarPath="loginMenu/loginGroup"
>> >  toolbarPath="sampleGroup"
>> >  id="org.eclipse.login.">
>> > </action>
>> > </actionSet>
>> > </extension>
>> > <extension
>> > point="org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions">
>> > <perspectiveExtension
>> > targetID="org.eclipse.ui.resourcePerspective">
>> > <actionSet
>> > id="org.eclipse.login.actionSet">
>> > </actionSet>
>> > </perspectiveExtension>
>> > </extension>
>> > </plugin>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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