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[pde-dev] chatura pls can u clarify my doubt

Chatura,is it necessary to create another class file like Sampleaction in
helloworld example.But problem is i have public static void main(...) in my
Main class,wheras helloworld example has no public static void main(..)
class.Now how do i link swt main program to plugin.xml.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chatura Gunawardana" <chatura@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: [pde-dev] Re: pde-dev digest, Vol 1 #148 - 1 msg

> Hi Steven,
>  Create the plug-in by using org.eclipse.ui.actionSet.
>  There is a exaple in Eclipse Help, PDE Guide.
>  Then Edit the plugin.xml file as follows:
>  - Change "action" element property called "toolbarPath"
>  Sample code:
>          <action
>                label="&amp;Web Servise"
>                icon="icon/sample.jpg"
>                class="org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WSDL2WsGUI"
>                toolbarPath="asa"  //Give any name as value
>                id="com.example.wsdl2ws.action1">
>          </action>
> Chatura Gunawardana
> (Sri Lanka)
> > Send pde-dev mailing list submissions to
> > pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> >
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> > pde-dev-request@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> > pde-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of pde-dev digest..."
> >
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >    1. To make login window as a plugin,pls reply (Steven Sequeira)
> >
> > --__--__--
> >
> > Message: 1
> > From: "Steven Sequeira" <ssequeira@xxxxxxxxx>
> > To: "swt list" <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
> > "eclipse plugin" <pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
> > <platform-swt-dev-request@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 20:06:08 +0530
> > Subject: [pde-dev] To make login window as a plugin,pls reply
> > Reply-To: pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >
> > ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01C44293.B807EF50
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > Hi all, I have a login window that has simple user id and password field
> > with corresponding text boxes implementesd in pure swt.Now i want to put
> > it as a plugin(toolbar button) so that on pressing it i will get the =
> > login window.I just want to explore these things ,as iam new to eclipse
> > plugin progrraming
> >
> >     My code has 3 classes
> > 1.Login class,that has get,set methods for fields userid,password,button
> > pressed
> > 2.Logindialog class that will display a window.
> > 3.Main class.
> >
> > 1. public class Login {
> >    String id;
> >  String password;
> >  boolean buttonResponse;
> >
> > public Login(){}
> >
> > public boolean getButtonResponse() {
> >
> > return buttonResponse;}
> >
> > public void setButtonResponse(boolean b){
> >
> > buttonResponse =3D b;}
> >
> > public String getID()
> >
> > {return id;}
> >
> > public void setID(String id){
> >
> > =3D id;}
> >
> > public String getPassword(){
> >
> > return password;}
> >
> > public void setPassword(String password){
> >
> > this.password =3D password;}}
> >
> > 2.
> > import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
> > import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;i
> > import*;
> >
> > public class Logindialog extends Dialog {
> > private Text idText;
> >
> > private Text passwordText;
> >
> > private Button btnOK;
> >
> > private Button btnCancel;
> >
> > private Login login;
> >
> >
> > Logindialog(Shell arg0) {super(arg0);}
> >
> > public Login open(){
> >
> > login =3D new Login();
> >
> > final Shell shell =3D new Shell(getParent(),SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | =
> >
> > shell.setText(getText());shell.setSize(400,200);Label label1 =3D new =
> > Label(shell,SWT.NONE);
> >
> > label1.setSize(400,50);label1.setLocation(0,0);
> >
> > label1.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER);label1.setText("\nWelcome to my program.
> > \n please login");
> >
> > label1.setBackground(new Color(shell.getDisplay(),255,255,255));
> >
> >
> > Label label2 =3D new Label(shell,SWT.NONE);label2.setSize(70,10);
> >
> > label2.setLocation(20,63);label2.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT);=20
> >
> > label2.setText("ID :");idText =3D new Text(shell,SWT.BORDER);
> >
> > idText.setTextLimit(30);idText.setBounds(100,60,200,20);
> >
> >
> > Label label3 =3D new Label(shell,SWT.NONE);label3.setSize(70,10);
> >
> > label3.setLocation(20,93);label3.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT);=20
> >
> > label3.setText("Password :");passwordText =3D new =
> > Text(shell,SWT.BORDER);
> >
> > passwordText.setTextLimit(30);passwordText.setBounds(100,90,200,20);
> >
> > passwordText.setEchoChar('*');btnOK =3D new Button(shell,SWT.PUSH);
> >
> > btnOK.setText("Login");btnOK.setLocation(110,130);
> >
> > btnOK.setSize(80,20);btnCancel =3D new Button(shell,SWT.PUSH);
> >
> > btnCancel.setText("Cancel");btnCancel.setLocation(210,130);
> >
> > btnCancel.setSize(80,20);=20
> >
> >
> > Listener listener =3D new Listener(){
> >
> > public void handleEvent(Event event){
> >
> > login.setButtonResponse(event.widget=3D=3DbtnOK);
> >
> > login.setID(idText.getText());
> >
> > login.setPassword(passwordText.getText());shell.close();}};
> >
> > btnOK.addListener(SWT.Selection,listener);
> >
> > btnCancel.addListener(SWT.Selection,listener);
> >
> > Display display =3D getParent().getDisplay();
> >
> > Rectangle rect =3D display.getBounds();
> >
> > int mx =3D rect.width/2;
> >
> > int my =3D rect.height/2;
> >
> > shell.setLocation(mx-200,my-100);
> >
> >;
> >
> >
> > while(!shell.isDisposed()){
> >
> > if(!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();
> >
> > }
> >
> > return login;
> >
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > 3.Main class
> > import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;import =
> >*;
> >
> > public class Main {
> >
> > public static void main(String args[]){
> >
> > Display display=3D new Display();
> >
> > final Shell sh =3D new Shell(display);
> >
> > Logindialog dialog =3D new Logindialog(sh);Login login =3D =
> >;
> >
> > MessageBox msg =3D new MessageBox(sh,SWT.OK);
> >
> > if(login.getButtonResponse()) {
> >
> > msg.setMessage("Your id is:"+login.getID()+"\nYour Password is =
> > :"+login.getPassword());
> >
> >;
> >
> >
> > while(!sh.isDisposed()) {
> >
> > if(!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();
> >
> > }}
> >
> > display.dispose(); }}
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Steven Sequeira
> >
> > ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01C44293.B807EF50
> > Content-Type: text/html;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
> > <HTML><HEAD>
> > <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
> > charset=3Diso-8859-1">
> > <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=3DGENERATOR>
> > </HEAD>
> > <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hi all, I have a login window that has
> > simple user=20
> > id and password field with corresponding text boxes implementesd in pure
> > swt.Now=20
> > i want to put it as a plugin(toolbar button) so that on pressing it i =
> > will get=20
> > the login window.I just want to explore these things ,as iam new to =
> > eclipse=20
> > plugin progrraming</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; My code has 3=20
> > classes</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>1.Login class,that has get,set methods
> > for fields=20
> > userid,password,button pressed</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>2.Logindialog class that will display a
> >
> > window.</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>3.Main class.</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>1. <B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>public</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> </FONT><B><FONT =
> > color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>class</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> Login {</FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT size=3D2>&nbsp;&nbsp; String=20
> > id;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><FONT size=3D2>&nbsp;String=20
> > password;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial><FONT size=3D2>&nbsp;<B><FONT=20
> > color=3D#7f0055>boolean</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > buttonResponse;</FONT></DIV>
> > <P><FONT size=3D2></FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > Login(){}</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > <B><FONT color=3D#7f0055>boolean</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > getButtonResponse() {</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>return</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > buttonResponse;}</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > <B><FONT color=3D#7f0055>void</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > setButtonResponse(<B><FONT =
> > color=3D#7f0055>boolean</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > b){</FONT></P>
> > <P><FONT size=3D2>buttonResponse =3D b;</FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>}</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > String getID()</FONT></P>
> > <P><FONT size=3D2>{<B><FONT =
> > color=3D#7f0055>return</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > id;</FONT><FONT size=3D2>}</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > <B><FONT color=3D#7f0055>void</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2> =
> > setID(String=20
> > id){</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>this</FONT></B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>.id =3D=20
> > id;</FONT><FONT size=3D2>}</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > String getPassword(){</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>return</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > password;</FONT><FONT size=3D2>}</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT size=3D2>public</FONT></B></FONT><FONT
> > size=3D2>=20
> > <B><FONT color=3D#7f0055>void</B></FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D2> =
> > setPassword(String=20
> > password){</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055><FONT
> > size=3D2>.password =3D password;}}</FONT></P></FONT>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>2.</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>import</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> =
> > org.eclipse.swt.SWT;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>import</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;i</FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>i<B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>mport</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> >*;</FONT></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2></FONT></B></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>public</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> </FONT><B><FONT =
> > color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>class</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> Logindialog </FONT><B><FONT =
> > color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>extends</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> Dialog {</DIV>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>private</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Text=20
> > idText;</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>private</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Text=20
> > passwordText;</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>private</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Button=20
> > btnOK;</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>private</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Button=20
> > btnCancel;</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>private</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Login=20
> > login;</P>
> > <P></P>
> > <P>Logindialog(Shell arg0) {</FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>super</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>(arg0);}</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>public</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Login=20
> > open(){</FONT></P>
> > <P><FONT size=3D2>login =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Login();</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>final</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Shell=20
> > shell =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>=20
> > <P>shell.setText(getText());shell.setSize(400,200);Label label1 =3D=20
> > </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT
> > Label(shell,SWT.NONE);</P>
> > <P>label1.setSize(400,50);label1.setLocation(0,0);</P>
> > <P>label1.setAlignment(SWT.CENTER);label1.setText(</FONT><FONT =
> > color=3D#2a00ff=20
> > size=3D2>"\nWelcome to my program. \n please login"</FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>);</P>
> > <P>label1.setBackground(</FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Color(shell.getDisplay(),255,255,255));</P>
> > <P></P>
> > <P>Label label2 =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Label(shell,SWT.NONE);label2.setSize(70,10);</P>
> > <P>label2.setLocation(20,63);label2.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT); </P>
> > <P>label2.setText(</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff size=3D2>"ID =
> > :"</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>);idText =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Text(shell,SWT.BORDER);</P>
> > <P>idText.setTextLimit(30);</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>idText.setBounds(100,60,200,20);</P>
> > <P></P>
> > <P>Label label3 =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Label(shell,SWT.NONE);label3.setSize(70,10);</P>
> > <P>label3.setLocation(20,93);label3.setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT); </P>
> > <P>label3.setText(</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff size=3D2>"Password =
> > :"</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>);passwordText =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Text(shell,SWT.BORDER);</P>
> > <P>passwordText.setTextLimit(30);</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>passwordText.setBounds(100,90,200,20);</P>
> > <P>passwordText.setEchoChar(</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff =
> > size=3D2>'*'</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>);btnOK =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Button(shell,SWT.PUSH);</P>
> > <P>btnOK.setText(</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff =
> > size=3D2>"Login"</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>);btnOK.setLocation(110,130);</P>
> > <P>btnOK.setSize(80,20);btnCancel =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> =
> > Button(shell,SWT.PUSH);</FONT></P>
> > <P><FONT size=3D2>btnCancel.setText(</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff=20
> > size=3D2>"Cancel"</FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>);btnCancel.setLocation(210,130);</P>
> > <P>btnCancel.setSize(80,20); </P>
> > <P></P>
> > <P>Listener listener =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Listener(){</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>public</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>=20
> > </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>void</B></FONT><FONT
> > handleEvent(Event event){</P>
> > <P>login.setButtonResponse(event.widget=3D=3DbtnOK);</P>
> > <P>login.setID(idText.getText());</P>
> > <P>login.setPassword(passwordText.getText());shell.close();}};</P>
> > <P>btnOK.addListener(SWT.Selection,listener);</P>
> > <P>btnCancel.addListener(SWT.Selection,listener);</P>
> > <P>Display display =3D getParent().getDisplay();</P>
> > <P>Rectangle rect =3D display.getBounds();</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>int</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> mx =3D=20
> > rect.width/2;</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>int</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> my =3D=20
> > rect.height/2;</P>
> > <P>shell.setLocation(mx-200,my-100);</P>
> > <P>;</P>
> > <P></P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>while</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>(!shell.isDisposed()){</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>if</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>(!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();</P>
> > <P>}</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>return</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>=20
> > login;</P>
> > <P>}</P>
> > <P>}</P></FONT></FONT>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>3.Main class</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>
> > <P>import</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>
> > color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>import</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> > org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;</FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>import</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>=20
> >*;</P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>
> > <P>public</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055=20
> > size=3D2>class</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2> Main {</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>public</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>=20
> > </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>static</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2>=20
> > </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>void</B></FONT><FONT size=3D2>
> > main(String=20
> > args[]){</P>
> > <P>Display display=3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Display();</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>final</B></FONT><FONT =
> > size=3D2> Shell sh =3D=20
> > </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT
> > Shell(display);</P>
> > <P>Logindialog dialog =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> Logindialog(sh);Login login =3D;</P>
> > <P>MessageBox msg =3D </FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 =
> > size=3D2>new</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2> MessageBox(sh,SWT.OK);</FONT></P>
> > <P><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>if</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>(login.getButtonResponse()) {</P>
> > <P>msg.setMessage(</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff size=3D2>"Your id =
> > is:"</FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>+login.getID()+</FONT><FONT color=3D#2a00ff size=3D2>"\nYour =
> > Password is=20
> > :"</FONT><FONT size=3D2>+login.getPassword());</P>
> > <P>;</P>
> > <P></P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>while</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>(!sh.isDisposed()) {</P>
> > <P></FONT><B><FONT color=3D#7f0055 size=3D2>if</B></FONT><FONT=20
> > size=3D2>(!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep();</P>
> > <P>}}</P>
> > <P>display.dispose(); }}</P></FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Regards,<BR>Steven=20
> > Sequeira<BR></DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
> >
> > ------=_NextPart_000_002D_01C44293.B807EF50--
> >
> >
> >
> > --__--__--
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > pde-dev mailing list
> > pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> > End of pde-dev Digest
> >
> >
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> pde-dev mailing list
> pde-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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