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[passage-dev] resending: License Agreements support

Dear Passage,

we've just bumped into strong necessity for licensing agreements support in Passage.

Currently, if a Passage client desires to cover a product with EULA or other terms of use (which they most probably do), they must implement the coverage themselves, somewhere jolting with Passage protection.

We found, that
 - general notion of licensing agreement nicely fits contemporary licensing meta model, and
 - Passage runtime can also be naturally extended
       - to convey the agreements to an end user,
       - to take the agreements' acceptance state into consideration on Access Cycle functioning.

The implementation idea is
    - to keep license agreements data embedded in an issued license itself
    - to make 'license import' the only legal way to apply a license to product installation
    -     by extending 'license import' with all the assigned agreements exposure, demanding `accept` and failing the whole import on a denial
    -     and checking agreements' consistency on Access Cycle

Root task for the story is

If you have any thoughts or wishes in the field, do not hesitate to let us know.

With best and warmest regards,

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