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[papyrus-ic] Interactive lecture on UML-RT for the rover in Aston University

Hi everyone,

On Thursday, we ran a 2 hour lecture on the use of UML-RT models to control the Pololu 5 within the Software Engineering module of our BSc/MSc in Computer Science. It was roughly based on the demo project used for the MoDELS'17 Papyrus-RT tutorial, but we added two branches: one with a simpler model and one with a more advanced one.

We also added a 5-median filter to the HC-SR04 sensor readings, as we found it very noisy in some indoor environments and it would stop and back up at random times otherwise. Perhaps we could get away with a 3-median filter.

The materials are here, and there is a PDF slide deck in the master branch:

I also blogged about the whole process from start to finish, with instructions on how to set up the whole thing:

We did some informal post-it-based feedback at the end of the session, and students seem to enjoy the lecture quite a bit. It helped them see another practical use for all that UML they were learning, and they really liked the discussion about robotics.

We did not have enough time to have the students actually use Papyrus-RT, but we walked through the process to go from the simple model to the model used in the original tutorial. My plan is to bring the rover to the Aston Robotics Club and allow the most motivated students to try out using Papyrus to tweak its behaviour, perhaps integrating more sensors into it. Some students have already asked where to buy the various parts.

Some students even asked to see a drone rather than a rover done in Papyrus-RT, but I'm not sure about having something with rotating blades and few smarts buzzing around a classroom ;-).

I'll keep you posted on it, but while we're at it: is the notation for entry and exit behaviour wrong in Papyrus? The UML spec seems to use "entry / behaviour", but Papyrus is showing "/entry behaviour". I'd like to see this fixed if possible, as it may confuse students that are checking their knowledge against the spec.

Kind regards,

Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering & Applied Science, Aston University
Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
Room: MB211Q

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