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Re: [papyrus-ic] Papyrus IC Research/Academia - Poll on web-conf. system

Hello everyone,

Some quick research of the 5 options about their Linux support (which is important to me):

- Zoom apparently supports Linux, but it's not seamless (requires installing a specific package and fine tuning),
- Webex says it does, but it's based on Java applets which are disabled in recent Firefox/Chrome releases,
- GoToMeeting works on Linux (I have used it before a few times),
- Zoho doesn't allow to host meetings from Linux [1],
- Skype for Business does not work from recent Linux browsers either.

For me, GoToMeeting has been consistently smooth and we've used it in a few EU project meetings with few issues. I recall we had attendees using Linux, Mac and Windows all in the same call just fine. My preference would be:

1. GoToMeeting
2. Zoom
3. Webex
4. Zoho
5. Skype for Business


Kind regards,

Antonio Garcia-Dominguez
Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering & Applied Science, Aston University
Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET
Room: MB211Q

From: papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Scott Mansfield [scott.mansfield@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 December 2016 13:23
To: papyrus-ic discussions
Subject: Re: [papyrus-ic] Papyrus IC Research/Academia - Poll on web-conf. system

I haven’t found any conventional web-conference that doesn’t work on my work laptop.


My preference (from best to worst IMHO)…

1)      Zoom

2)      Webex

3)      Gotomeeting

4)      Zoho

5)      Skype For Business


Important requirements…

Integrated support for VoIP

If a conventional phone bridge is supported, have local numbers available.

The use of an external (non-integrated) phone bridge in combination with a web-sharing system is less than optimal.





From: papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:papyrus-ic-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of LI Shuai
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 8:12 AM
To: papyrus-ic@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [papyrus-ic] Papyrus IC Research/Academia - Poll on web-conf. system


Hello everyone,


As you may know, the Papyrus IC Research/Academia committee organize two webinars per month. The webinars are recorded, edited, and made available for everyone after each session.


In order to improve the process, we would like to find a better web-conferencing system for everyone, especially in terms of usability, and recording features. Therefore, can you please answer the two following questions?


1.       Which web-conferencing system are you NOT allowed to use? (E.g. company security restrictions)

2.       Which web-conferencing system do you prefer?


Many thanks for considering our request.




Shuai Li



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