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[papyrus-ic] [picrac] Academia/Research webinar technical issues

Hello everyone.

I would like to apologize about the last minute technical issues regarding the Research/Academia webinar. I am aware that many people where unable to connect.

We are not sure what exactly happened, but the Skype/Lync session expired without notice, forcing us to create a new session.

Nevertheless, we did have 14 attendees and four presenters:

- Tanja Mayerhofer from T.U.Wien
- David Schmelter from Fraunhofer IEM
- Eugene Syriani from U. Montreal
- Daniel Varro from McGill U., Budapest T.U. and IncQuery Labs.

We recorded the session, and once we edit it, we will post it in the wiki at along with the other webinars.

Thank you and sorry again for the inconvenience.

Ernesto Posse

Ernesto Posse

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