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  • Re: [paho-dev] R: R: R: Paho Java Client retransmission implementation, (continued)
  • [paho-dev] Java client installation and usage sample, LynX
  • [paho-dev] Committer vote for Andy Gelme has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [paho-dev] Committer vote for Andy Gelme has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Andy Gelme on technology.paho by Chad Kienle, portal on behalf of Chad Kienle
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Andy Gelme on technology.paho by Ian Craggs, portal on behalf of Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Andy Gelme on technology.paho by Dave Locke, portal on behalf of Dave Locke
  • [paho-dev] Paho Committer Reminder: please add your vote on committer status for Andy Gelme, Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] Pulling Open Source MQTT Broker into the Eclipse Paho Project, Arlen Nipper
  • [paho-dev] Vote for Committer status for Andy Gelme was started by Scott de Deugd, portal on behalf of Scott de Deugd
  • Re: [paho-dev] [m2m-iwg] Mihini - Lua Application Framework project proposal, Andy Piper
  • [paho-dev] New Mac client app using Paho C library, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] July 10 Project Call, Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] More discussion on MQTT-S - status of protocol?, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] EclipseCon Europe, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] Paho documentation added, Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] Status update and OSCON BoF, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] June 26th Paho project call summary, Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] Task list and project plan, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] Paho Project Call Minutes, Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] Using Paho C client on OS X/iOS?, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] CQ created in IPzilla for MQTT Lua Client Contribution, Scott de Deugd
  • [paho-dev] New component needed for Paho bugzilla?, Andy Piper
  • [paho-dev] Paho Eclipse tooling view now available in Git, Andy Piper
  • [paho-dev] PINGREQ message timing., Nagesh S
  • [paho-dev] Paho forum, Roger Light
  • [paho-dev] MQTT tests (was Re: Paho repository structure), andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] Paho Java client Mavenization, Nicolas DEVERGE
  • [paho-dev] Who's who in Paho, and other updates, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] Paho repository structure, andypiperuk@xxxxxxxxx
  • [paho-dev] PINGREQ from Eclipse Paho client ?, Nagesh S
  • [paho-dev] Problem about use 'MqttCallBack.deliveryComplete()' method, xu zhangxuan

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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