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  • Re: [paho-dev] I'm back ! ... or at least .. I'll try !, (continued)
  • [paho-dev] Updated Eclipe Project Trademark Guidelines (committers please take note!), Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] RaspberryPi and mqtt, Vasudha Madugula (vamadugu)
  • [paho-dev] Welcome Kamil Baczkowicz as a new iot.paho Committer, portal on behalf of Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] MQTT-SN DISCONNECT message's Duration is optional., Tomoaki Yamaguchi
  • [paho-dev] Virtual IoT Meetup in 2 hours - Spy on your MQTT devices for fun and profit with mqtt-spy, Roxanne Joncas
  • [paho-dev] Python Client inheritance, Alexis BRENON
  • [paho-dev] TLS certificates files, Roberto Becerra
  • [paho-dev] Committer vote for Kamil Baczkowicz has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [paho-dev] Committer vote for Kamil Baczkowicz has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Kamil Baczkowicz on iot.paho by Al Stockdill-Mander, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Kamil Baczkowicz on iot.paho by Dave Locke, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Kamil Baczkowicz on iot.paho by Frank Pagliughi, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Kamil Baczkowicz on iot.paho by Roger Light, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] Service is running after disconnecting, Parth Pandya
  • [paho-dev] FW: [mosquitto-dev] Eclipse Mosquitto logo selection: final round!, Benjamin Cabé
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Kamil Baczkowicz on iot.paho by Nicholas O'Leary, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] +1 for Kamil Baczkowicz on iot.paho by James Sutton, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] case study using M2Mqtt C# example develing with SharpDevelop - information about C# dotnet MQTT Client Library Encyclopedia – M2Mqtt, Jan Willem Teunisse
  • [paho-dev] Vote for Committer status for Kamil Baczkowicz was started by Ian Craggs, portal on behalf of
  • [paho-dev] what's the purpose of WILLTOPICUPD, WILLMSGUPD ?, Tomoaki Yamaguchi
  • [paho-dev] What's happening in Paho land?, Ian Craggs
  • [paho-dev] case study using C# M2Mqtt Client library in scripting tool Winbatch, Jan Willem Teunisse
  • [paho-dev] Paho C: MIPS CPU usage, Milan Tucic
  • [paho-dev] Idea: Paho Examples & Snippets Page for website, James Sutton1
  • [paho-dev] What makes good API tutorials, jingxuanzhang
  • [paho-dev] Paho C++ Linux/Windows library moved to GitHub, Frank Pagliughi
  • [paho-dev] [Android Service]Does the MqttConnection reconnect works?, zhangkai.gis
  • [paho-dev] [android.service] When I reconnect in onFailure function.The app crash., zhangkai.gis
  • [paho-dev] Is org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.IMqttDeliveryToken.publish asynchronous?, zhangkai.gis
  • [paho-dev] FW: [mosquitto-dev] Help needed for the first round of selection for Mosquitto new logo, Benjamin Cabé
  • [paho-dev] IoT Developer Survey - Last week to participate, Roxanne Joncas
  • [paho-dev] Lua library, Abdul Hakeem
  • [paho-dev] Paho C client for MIPS, Milan Tucic
  • [paho-dev] Status of MQTT-SN Gateway?, Christian Rugland
  • [paho-dev] Embedded MQTT C Client library will work for Windows CE 6.0, Himanshu.Pradhan
  • [paho-dev] Breaking change to the golang client, Allan Stockdill-Mander
  • [paho-dev] Updated certificate for MQTT sandbox, and secured websockets now enabled, Benjamin Cabé

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