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Re: [paho-dev] Is paho.mqtt.python actively maintained?

Philip Couling <couling@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Is paho.mqtt.python being actively maintained. The last release was October
> 2021 and I can only see a single commit in the repo after that release on
> github (
> I might like to help support this code base. Though I'm not sure if any PRs
> I offer will get ignored through lack of maintenance.

For context, I maintain the pkgsrc package for this, and use it.

Are there serious open issues?  Does it fail to work with Python 3.11?
Something can be maintained in a sense while not having changes, if
there is no reason to have changes.

I can't speak for whoever has write access on the repo, but it seems
obvious that if you have fixed something, that submitting a PR is better
than not submitting a PR.

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