ok, I understand. Will it be released soon, or it is not planned yet?
At the moment I'm using the latest version of mosquitto as a broker, it claims to have complete MQTTv5 support. I saw in the source code that the code to handle AUTH packets is present, but I wasn't able to make it work.
Client to Server: CONNECT Authentication
Method="SCRAM-SHA-1" Authentication Data=""
Server to Client: AUTH rc=0x18 Authentication
Method="SCRAM-SHA-1" Authentication Data="">
Client to Server AUTH rc=0x18 Authentication Method="SCRAM-SHA-1"
Authentication Data="">
Server to Client CONNACK rc=0 Authentication
Method="SCRAM-SHA-1" Authentication Data="">
So I've tried to test it in mosquitto, but it doesn't recognize the authentication method (neither with GS2-KRB5):
$> mosquitto_pub -V 5 -t 'test' -m 'ok' -D CONNECT authentication-method SCRAM-SHA-1
Connection error: Bad authentication method
Error: A network protocol error occurred when communicating with the broker.
The only broker that I've found which clearly claims to support MQTTv5 enhance authentication is HiveMQ, but I didn't test it yet since I don't have a working client with that feature.
Thank you.