clean_session is not working properly for me in
paho.mqtt.client.... wondering if
folks have any clues.
There is a mosquitto on localhost...:
in one shell, I run:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u x -P y -q 1 -V mqttv5 -m
hello -t test/hello
(as many times as needed.)
in another shell
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -c -i itsme -u x -P y -q 1
-V mqttv5 -t 'test/#' -F '%t %m'
and mosquitto_sub prints:
test/hello 1
test/hello 2
then I stop the subscriber. I do two more posts, then I
restart the subscriber,
and I see:
test/hello 3
test/hello 4
The idea being that the messages were queued while the sub
was away, when it came
back with clean_session=False, it caught up with the
So far so good. I try to do the same thing in python:
import logging
import paho.mqtt.client
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cid='ring around the rosy, pocket full of posies'
def __sub_on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc,
logger.error( "rc=%s, flags=%s" % (
paho.mqtt.client.connack_string(rc), flags ) )
if flags['session present'] != 1:
logger.error( 'failed to find existing session, no
recovery of inflight messages from previous connection' )
client.subscribe( 'test/#', qos=1 )
def __sub_on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos,
logger.error( "subscribe completed mid={}
granted_qos={}".format( mid, list( map( lambda x: x.getName(),
granted_qos ))) )
def __sub_on_message(client, userdata, msg):
logger.error( "Message received: mid=%d, topic=%s
body=%s" % (msg.mid, msg.topic, msg.payload.decode('utf-8') )
client = paho.mqtt.client.Client( client_id=cid,
protocol=paho.mqtt.client.MQTTv5 )
client._on_connect_ = __sub_on_connect
client._on_message_ = __sub_on_message
client._on_subscribe_ = __sub_on_subscribe
client.username_pw_set( username, password )
client.connect_async( host, clean_start=clean_start )
when I run it, I always see:
rc=Connection Accepted., flags={'session present': 0}
So it never finds the existing session, and never recovers
the messages it missed.
any ideas?