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Re: [paho-dev] Paho Release 1.4 (committers please read!)

Great! Thanks Frank

On 07/12/2017 20:07, Frank Pagliughi wrote:
Count me in!

I will get the Paho C++ wrapper library updated to coincide with the updates to the C lib, and thus it should support MQTT 5 as well.
In addition, I have made pretty good progress with the Rust-language 
library. It is nearly feature complete for MQTT 3.1.1, with the 
exception of user-defined persistence. That should be done by the end 
of the month, and with some clean-up and documentation it should be 
ready for a release by Feb/March.
I can then move to have it cover the new MQTT 5 features before June.

So, from me, I will supply the updated C++ library and a new Rust language library supporting MQTT v5 in time for Eclipse Photon.

On 12/07/2017 10:06 AM, Ian Craggs wrote:
Hi All,

I intend to announce the next release of Paho, 1.4, to be simultaneous with Eclipse Photon, June 27, 2018.  To be considered part of Photon the announcement has to be made by 15th December.

The main item in the plan at the moment is support for MQTT V5.0. James and I plan to have full support for V5.0 in:
- the Paho test material

- C and embedded C client libraries

- Java client library.

We have a lot of flexibility for what to include eventually, so anything you say now can be changed later.  What plans do you all have in mind?  Any other MQTT V5.0 support for instance?

Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Paho Project Lead; Committer on Mosquitto

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