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Re: [paho-dev] Attempted Java client service release 1.0.1

I was just looking at the paho-java-master-test job on hudson, the reason it was failing is the same reason that the master-release is failing. There were dependencies in the pom.xml for the tests project and others on 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT, I have changed these to 1.0.1 and the the master-test job completes successfully now. The issue is the dependency was for a level that we weren't building and was not in the repos the build was being run with. With luck the master-release job should now run correctly once the old artifacts have been removed, as for removing them. If you go to you cannot login to nexus with your eclipse credentials, without access I don't know if there is any other way to remove artifacts without raising a bug.


On 26/11/14 10:27, Ian Craggs wrote:
Hello All,

I'm trying to get a service release of the Java client done (1.0.1),
while on vacation, and reviewing papers for ICST this week.  There are
some important fixes in there, including welcome contributions from
Eurotech.  The code is all ready, development branch merged into master,
but I'm having trouble completing the builds.

Having not done this before, I'm having a crash course in Maven and
Nexus.  One problem I'm encountering is if a partially completed build
leaves some artifacts in the Nexus repo, the next job can't overwrite
them.  I've been told this must be an administrative task to do the
deletion (i.e. raise a bug) -- but I can't quite believe that.  Does
anyone have any advice, that will shorten my excursion through the Nexus


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