I am using the paho C client over ssl to connect to a mosquito broker. In tests when the broker is restarted the client disconnects but I am unable to reconnect to the broker by simply calling the MQTTClient_connect routine. What is the best way to reconnect
to a broker that goes down? Am I missing an interim step? Do I need to create a whole new client handle before trying to reconnect?
I am getting the following errors when trying to reconnect using the same client handle that just got disconnected:
20140129 183737.764 New socket 7 for m10.cloudmqtt.com, port 20893
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (4)> Socket_addSocket:162
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (5)> Socket_setnonblocking:72
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (5)< Socket_setnonblocking:77 (0)
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (4)< Socket_addSocket:175 (0)
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (4)> Socket_error:94
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (4)< Socket_error:103 (115)
20140129 183737.764 Connect pending
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (3)< Socket_new:682 (115)
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (2)< MQTTProtocol_connect:130 (115)
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (2)> MQTTClient_waitfor:1532
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (3)> Thread_wait_sem:263
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (3)< Thread_wait_sem:284 (0)
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (2)< MQTTClient_waitfor:1614 (-3)
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (2)> MQTTClient_disconnect1:1065
20140129 183737.764 (3051354944) (3)> MQTTClient_closeSession:645