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Re: [p2-dev] Including all Plugins and Features from old Eclipse Installation

It should be able to import all features from existing installation except the feature has a same or higher version already installed.

Pls file a bug and attach the screenshot and p2 profile of both existing installation and clean eclipse, if your eclipse doesn't install CDT, and it can't import CDT from another existing installation.

Mengxin Zhu

On 10/10/2011 12:46 AM, Nick Khamis wrote:
Hello Everyone,

We would like to include all Plugins and Features from a previous
install to our new environment. Using File ->  Import ->  Install ->
 From existing install only
moved over third party plugins but missed a whole lot of features and
eclipse plugins such as CDT, WTP etc.. Is there a way to include
Is there a way to use director to export all "repository and
installIU" from our old install, and install them to the new using

./eclipse -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director \
          -repository \

Thanks in Advance,

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