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[p2-dev] Fwd: [MISC] MISc-Live solver competition #4: results!

Hi guys,

You will find enclosed a link to the results of the latest Linux package
management competition.

There was only 4 solvers submitted, but we managed to perform reasonably
well considering that the other solvers are in plain C/C++.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MISC] MISc-Live solver competition #4: results!
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 18:50:13 +0100
From: Ralf Treinen <ralf.treinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Ralf Treinen <ralf.treinen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: mancoosi-competition-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear all,

the results of the 4th MiSC-live run are now available at the address

This time, it was quite close, and execution times had to be taken
into account several times to break ties. However, looking at the
different total times for each solver it looks closer than it actually
was. The reason for this is the way the "total success time" is defined
(see, section "Breaking
Ties"). Since we had many cases without a solution, our definition
resultet in the same large constant added to the time of each participant.
We'll have to think about changing this for the next time.

Thanks a lot to Pietro for having again done all the work, and to all
the participants!


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